

  • I love Vegemite! People think its weird that I like it being Canadian and all. Very expensive here too.
  • Welcome! I joined 3 days ago. My first day I did really good. Went to hot yoga and jogged a little so I was a little below calories at the end of the day. The next day I had a moment of weakness and had 2 safeway cookies which I didn't realise added up to just over 600 calories total so I was over my count for that day. I…
    in Hi All Comment by chestnut12 May 2012
  • VegaSport is 100% plant based, I've never tried the sport one but I have had the Vega Nutritional Vanilla Chai Shake and its awesome.
  • Hey thanks! Let me tell you it was a painful and annoying process in getting that Visa! It took about 8 months and of course alot of money. I was shocked when I was finally granted it and danced around a little with excitement. Anyways I've flown lots before so I've taken some anti-anxiety meds but they didn't really work…