Darcylynn Member


  • I use caloriecount.com. Hope that helps.
    in help Comment by Darcylynn February 2010
  • when I first started 30 day shred, I had to do it every other day. There's no shame in that. Keep up the good work.
  • I plan for two "rest days" each week. I find my really busy days for the week on the calendar and plan to rest those days. That way theres no guilt .I also do 30 day shred. I really didn't think I'd ever be able to do it . But i can. Congratulations on you weight loss just don't give up.
  • I try to keep some frozen entree's in my freezer for when I need something quick, or when my family has something I don't want, like leftovers.You can stock mexican, asian, or even something cheesy. You could try a tuna sanwich with light mayo and whole wheat bread if you have that on hand. Not chinese, but quick.