Hello, I've been looking around for the polar ft4 watch and chest strap and cant seem to find it. Did you have to buy them separately? There aren't any bundles? if so, does it matter what kind of chest strap i get? Sorry nevermind. i think the Polar H1 heart rate sensor is a chest strap, so they do come together. my…
May 16 green yes 16/31 blue yes 15/31
May 15 green yes 15/31 blue yes 14/31
May 14 green yes 14/31 blue yes 13/31 I was so sore from the previous days exercise that the only exercise i could muster was walking
May 13 green yes 13/31 blue yes 12/31 ive really been going easy on myself in terms of exercise lately, so today, did 40 minutes of insanity, 35 minutes of a kickboxing video and a 25 minute walk. fingers crossed i can keep this up!
May 12 green:yes12/31 blue: yes11/31
in terms of your bra, im pretty certain your not wearing the right size. try using this chart. then you can buy a cheap bra in the right size that has at least 3 hooks in the back and wear a super tight tank top over it. that should help as a temporary…
I started the 5:2 diet March 31st , stuck to it and have lost 15 pounds so far. Well actually mine is a 4:3 diet but close enough lol. preparing your meals the night before really helps! to help me remember the pattern, i set reoccuring appointments in my phone telling me how many calories i'm suppose to consume at that…
May 10 Green yes 10/31 blue yes 10/31 May 11 Green yes 11/31 blue no :( 10/31 I really should have got up and had another couple cups of water before going to bed but lazyness took over. i think im going to keep a few waterbottles on my night stand for emergencies lol
May 9 green yes 9/31 blue yes 9/31
May 7 Green yes 7/31 blue yes 7/31 May 8 Green yes 8/31 blue yes 8/31
May 6th Green: yes 6/ 31 blue: yes 6:31 this time i was 56 calories over my goal. although this once again still counts as a green day, im still disapointed in myself so far this month. i dont know what im so extremely hungry lately. i know i just have to go harder on the workout to balance this out better. todays a new…
May 5th Green Yes 5/31 blue Yes 5/31 i was sooo close to my first green:No day. i was 94 calories over my goal. thank god for that beautiful safety net lol. this wouldn't have happened if i didnt wait till the next morning to finish logging.oh well, you live and you learn
May 2nd Green yes : 2/31 Blue: yes: 2/31 May 3rd Green yes : 3/31 Blue: yes: 3/31 May 4th Green yes : 4/31 Blue: yes: 4/31 I really got to get better and going to this group everyday after i complete the diary. thats my new goal for this week!! Thanks @Chevy_Smart & congrats to everyone that completed last months challenge…
May 1 green yes: 1/31 blue yes 1/31 today was not a good blue day until i got home and started working out. i find if i dont have my usual water bottle at work, i dont drink any water. Am i crazy or does this happen to you guys too lol
green days 31 blue days 31 cant afford a cheat day lol
april 30 green YESSSS 30/30 blue yes 29/30 great month! love this group!lost 14 pounds in april :)
APRIL 25 GREEN: YES 25/30 BLUE: YES 24/30 APRIL 26 GREEN: YES 26/30 BLUE: YES 25/30 APRIL 27 GREEN: YES 27/30 BLUE: YES 26/30 APRIL 28 GREEN: YES 28/30 BLUE: YES 27/30 APRIL 29 GREEN: YES 29/30 BLUE: YES 28/30 felling alot better now! I've definitly been slacking in the exercise department while i was under the weather.…
april 21 green: yes 21/30 blue: yes 21/30 april 22 green: yes 22/30 blue: yes 22/30 april 23 green: yes 23/30 blue: yes 23/30 april 24 green: yes 24/30 blue: no 23/30 ive been soo sick this week which helped with the green because i was too busy sleeping to eat lol ...but dispite my efforts to get up and drink every so…
april 20 green; yes 20/30 blue ; yes 20/30 played just dance 2014 on the xbox this morning and got my butt handed to me lol. looks like zumba has been going easy on me all this time and got i comfortable. gotta remember to switch things up.
April 17 green: yes 17/30 blue: yes 17/30 April 18 green: yes 17/30 blue: yes 17/30 April 19 green: yes 17/30 blue: yes 17/30 Sorry i've just been so busy. had to do 3 days in a row :$ happy easter everyone :)
i feel its important to record bad days so that you can get a good idea of what changes you need to make in the reports/macros. if your only recording some day, your reports would be totally off and would have no use to you. but thats just my opinion.
april 16 green yes: 16/30 blue yes 16/30
my 5'6 and my goal is 50 pounds. well WAS 50 pounds i've lost 12 so now its 38 pounds...close enough lol
april 15 green yess 15/30 blue yes 15/30 half way there!!! we're so close i can taste it =D
4/14 green : YEs 14/30 blue: Yes 14/30 hate consistently going to bed hungry....but love being able to write y-e-s in the group
April 12 Green: Yes 12/30 Blue: Yes 12/30 April 13 Green: Yes 13/30 Blue: Yes 13/30 I woke up so late today and barely ate. actually burned more calories than i consumed .
Im all in!
April 11th green: Yes 11/30 blue: Yes 11/30 went out for lunch AND dinner. i was sooooo close to being in the red. i was only 61 calories under my calorie allowance. Wish i had time for a quick workout before bed.