Hey guys, I have done both IM Texas and the Austin and Galveston HIM and Galveston is nothing like Texas. The water in Lake Woodlands was perfect! The bike ride through the national park was amazing as well. The run on the other hand was horrendous. It was hot humid and nasty with hardly any shade on the run course. If you…
You should only count net carbs. My total net carbs is around 30 grams/day and I lose almost a pound every other day. Remember to not count calories. It also takes fat to burn fat so eat plenty of it.
You should only eat dark greens and in moderation. I usually eat a whole avocado for breakfast and broccoli w cheese as snack
Hi, I'm actually quite experienced in keto. I usually cycle on and off but I typically lose 15 pounds in 3 weeks. If you're interested in my diet plan and exercise shoot me a message