

  • Eggs are a superfood! I have a hard boiled egg and a piece of toast... sometimes mix the egg with a tablespoon of low fat mayo... more like a lunch but, I'm totally full and it's something different. OR, I make up a breakfast sandwich that lasts me a long time.... english muffin, piece of low cal cheese, egg and a piece of…
  • Yes, welcome! I've been a member on the site for a while now and, the only way I've ever lost weight is by logging onto this site daily. When I did, though, I lost 26 pounds in about 2 months and it felt GREAT! Do what MandB301 said, definitely. She's right. Also, make Hawaii your goal but, don't get hung up on the 50…
  • I'm bringing the salad! I take all the greens in one bowl, making sure to add romain and greens to the iceberg. Then, I take all the other ingredients separately. So, we end up having our own, personal salad bar! Everyone can take what they want, including a choice of dressing, and we all have something healthy to select.
  • It's ok. Just keep your main number of calories in mind every day. One day I had a lot of potato chips and so, after figuring out what I did, had to just eat veggies the rest of the day to make up for it. I've also done some exercise to compensate. Finally, I've just skipped a day and started fresh the next day. The key is…
  • You are not about what you weight, first of all! I have fought weight my whole life and, while I am much happier and more attractive when I am thin, I am also still a beautiful person no matter what I weigh...... and you should realize that about yourself, too! Second, it comes on a pound at a time... and it will come off…
    in hello Comment by goodcat November 2010
  • You are ALL keeping ME going, too! I slipped back and put a few of my pounds back on and then thought of a guy on this site who had lost something like 80 pounds over a year. SO, here I am again!.... slugging it out with the scale! Will keep checking back in with you all to see how you are and I'll be out here working…
  • You CAN do it! You CAN do it! I ate potato chips for some of my calories today... and so, I am hungry now... BUT, I counted them and will suffer the consequences.... and drink more water!
    in FAIL Comment by goodcat November 2010
  • Looks like a good answer to a lot of boring iceberg! LOL! Thanks! I'm going to try it....
  • Yeah, ok? And so which one of us hasn't done THAT?! You are in great company there! cef957 is right! You're here now.... so, start again! Do you remember how good it felt to take even a pound or two off? You can do it again. And remember every time you put something into your mouth, think "I can be happy for the next 5…
    in FAIL Comment by goodcat November 2010
  • Thanks for the idea! I've been doing pretty well but, in moments of hunger or boredom, I do give in and cheat. Then, I've wasted all that good counting and exercise, etc. If I keep a tether, it WILL help me to stay focused! I'm going to give it a try! Good luck to you, too!
  • If you keep in mind that the weight comes ON a few pounds at a time, it only makes sense that it will come off in the same way. So every pound is a victory, right? A long time ago I lost 50 pounds..... FIVE pounds at a time! I set five pound goals and, once I reached one, I gave myself a non-food reward (i.e., a new scarf,…
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