

  • i accept this challenge! I am only about 10lbs away from my goal weight and 5lbs this month will give me a great motivation booster :) YOU CAN DO IT!!
  • Hi bekdavis! P90X is definitly a worth while investment. It costs approx. $130. I need someone instructing me when I work out so these videos are great because they really keep you motivated and burn a ton of calories. The only equipment I would recommend to you is a yoga mat and some resistant bands which are both…
  • woo tall girl! lol I am: Height: 5'9.5" SW: 175lbs CW: 155lbs GW: 140-145lbs Very active, workout 6 times a week, do power flow hot yoga 5 times a week, play ice hockey, and run 4-5 times a week, On average I burn about 600 calories a day and eat about 1300.. the lbs seemed to have stopped coming off though:( very…
  • milk or water, water is recommended but if you use milk, use skim milk.. and i would suggest using a blender, like a magic bullet to get rid of all the little powder chunks!
  • hello! you're doing great so far.congrats! I think it is good to switch up what you do at the gym, I have read that when you do the same workouts all the time, your body gets more efficient at doing those exercises and therefore, your body does not work as hard which equals less calories burned. Also switching up what…
  • Do not eliminate carbohydrates, just cut back on them. You will notice the first place you lose weight, just by reducing your carb intake, is your belly! Try eating complex carbs more for breakfast and lunch ,but very little carbs at dinner. Im not saying you will get abs or a super flat stomach by doing this alone, but by…
  • i crave chocolate and everything sweet.. dont completely give it all up or else you will end up eating a whole wack of sweets at once! If you do not allow yourself any then you will always be thinking.. I just want 1! and then that leads to 2 or 3 or the whole bag, happens to the best of us! I have a couple healthier sweet…
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