

  • Hi! I luvvvvvvvv Physique 57. Like, nothing has given me results like those videos. It is so easy on your joints, it pampers your body { like I mean you probably won't get hurt but start out with the modified moves first} although its HARD ! BUt good hard - LOL. I have the most crappy knees ever and this workout has made…
  • Yes! I luvvvvvvvv my at home dvds, they have changed my body completely! Amazing! I lost inches not weight. I just shrunk which is what they say in the video that would happen.
  • When I do Zumba my neck has never hurt, are you flipping your head around fast? However , my back hurt alot after I would do Zumba 1 on wii, now I have Zumba 2 and it does not bother me anymore. I wonder if you change up the songs and or class you would find some relief? Also doing alot of stretching after for the hips is…
  • Yes I have them and love them! They are great . They are hard at first but take breaks and jump back in. They have defined my stomach and legs like no other workouts. Edited to add: I have all 6 workouts and I use them more than anything I have ever done.I have exercised regularly for 20 years, so I have tried ALOT of…
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