landslde Member


  • 1. I play roller derby 2. I taught English in Shanghai, China for 2 years 3. I have a phobia of worms
  • I'm close too. 5'5" and currently at 183 lbs (started at 190) and wanted to get down to 140 lbs. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Hi I'm Lauren and I'm 32 years old. I used to never struggle with my weight, but as I've gotten older my metabolism has slowed down and I've gotten into some bad eating habits as well. Despite being active (I play roller derby), I have managed to keep packing on the pounds. I would like to lose around 50 pounds total.
  • I would recommend doing squats, lunges and wall sits to help really build your leg muscles. When I started derby (over 6 years ago) our coach recommended doing squats or lunges while brushing your teeth every morning just to get used to doing them. It really just is a matter of building up the muscles and it will help…
  • I'm also looking for a weight loss buddy. I've just started accurately tracking and watching my calories. I've gained weight slowly over several years and I really need to makea change. I lost 30 lbs once before (2003) and know if I buckle down I can do this. I think having a buddy to check in with, be accountable to and…
  • Hi! I'm Auntie Embolism and I skate for the Omaha Rollergirls. I've been playing derby for over 6 years. I started with the Kansas City Roller Warriors in 2006 and transferred to the Omaha Rollergirls when my husband and I moved to Omaha in 2011. I'm currently captain of the Omaha Rollergirls and the Director of Coaching.…