Tell us about yourself!!



  • IsisCrisis
    IsisCrisis Posts: 13 Member
    Hi! My name is Isis Crisis. I'm an NSO and ref-in-training with Philly Roller Girls.
    My goal is to be a full ref starting next season and I know that I have to get my *kitten* in gear to be able to meet that goal. My speed (or lack thereof) is one of my biggest problems and I think (know) that getting my weight down and building some muscle will be a huge help.
    All my life I have never considered myself to be an athlete, so trying to get into the mindset of one is a struggle. Wish me luck.
  • MsErieMachine
    MsErieMachine Posts: 6 Member
    Woooo! I am so happy to have come across a whole roller derby community on MFP! :)

    I am Ms. Erie Machine and I skate with the Lansing Michigan Mitten Mavens. I first started out with Mid Michigan Derby Girls, but I moved a lil closer to the Mavens (now the Mavens moved further lol) so now I am in between but continue to roll with the Mavens BC they are my most recent team and I have made some close relationships within the team.

    By reading some of the previous posts, I feel I don't need to go into detail about my Derby fever... once you've got it, there isn't much going back. I've been skating for over a year now and derby has helped me in many ways to grow into a stronger person physically and emotionally. I am still a shy, quiet one... but derby is also helping break that ice.

    I am hoping that by improving myself physically and get more energy and endurance, that's I will be able to concentrate on the skills and strategies of derby instead of my mind on the aches and pains that my unfit body is causing. Roller derby has become an important empowerment to me and gives me a sense of belonging. My team mates are amazing and I want to give them my all. I am ready to make this change in my life and become a strong skater.
    Finding this community in MFP has giving me some new light on my encouragement! Please feel free to add me and push me along. :)
  • Hi, I'm Nat. My derby name is Silk Scream. I skate with the Brighton Rockers in the UK i'm still a rookie but have passed freshmeat and played in my first mixed scrimmage. I've been involved in derby one way or another since last january when I saw photos of my cousin in a bout come up on facebook. I bought my kit that weekend and planned to try out for Brighton the following week. Went out for the first time without wrist guards on and broke my arm. STUPID :(. Brighton didn't have another intake of freshmeat in the foreseeable future so I looked around for another team after I was fixed up. There was one half an hour away so I started practicing there but the team folded after 6 months. I tried out for Brighton again this year and got on freshmeat and have practiced with them until very recently. I had to put derby on hold until after xmas because I got an internship at a screen printing studio in London so i have had to move away. Missing derby and my rookies very much :(. I joined MFP because I put on 2 stone in my first year of university!!! Have been trying to lose it for a year without much luck but I have just started running which is helping...lost 8 lbs. still some to go. Good luck everyone!!! :)
  • IrateBeth
    IrateBeth Posts: 42 Member
    I bought my kit that weekend and planned to try out for Brighton the following week. Went out for the first time without wrist guards on and broke my arm. STUPID :(

    Wow, and here I thought I was the only one to do something so silly. Same thing, the night before my 1st practice with New Hampshire. You are not alone!!!!

    You're not skating right now? Booo... I hope you get back out there soon!
  • Hi everyone! I'm Shanna (Dont have a derby name just yet, but I have a few ideas). I am new to Derby, I haven't even been to my first practice yet lol, that'll be on Tuesday. I'm going to be skating with The Femme Fatale Rollers in Texas. I am sooooo very excited to start. We have 4 weeks until out prelim testing and I'm not sure I am gonna be ready to make the team, but I am gonna do everything possible to make it. I bought all my gear this weekend and I am ready to start. I havent been on skates in a long long long time though. Even if I don't make it I still get to practice with the team and help out and be a part of it all.

    I have been on mfp before but got very overwhelmed with all the drama and stuff. So I have started over with a new attitude and a new state of mind. I am hoping I can lose some weight and get in better shape for myself, my family and my team.

    I am excited to meet all of you!!
  • Hey hey, Toni Rockalishous Isbelle . I am glad to be a part of an awesome group called San Diego Roller Derby. I started in Feb of 2010. It was the best decision I have ever made. :) It is good for the mind, and the body. I joined fitnesspal as a recommendation from one of my facebook friends. I do not think they are on here any longer. I have lost and gained and lost and gained. I am on a mission to lose it all and keep it off and to increase my endurance so I can keep up with my 25 year old coach, he just doesn't stop. :) The team I play for is the Rockette's, we are the undefeated B team this season with only two more games to go :) Derby loves.
  • Panda_Rolls
    Panda_Rolls Posts: 101 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Diana and I don't have my derby name yet, mostly because I am horribly fickle. I've got it narrowed down to Despicable Dee or Blaster of Paris, feel free to cast your vote! I've been skating for about a year and was just about to take the minski's when my left knee mysteriously decided to be an uncooperative jerk-weasel. I joined this site so that I could watch my calorie intake while it recovers and hopefully not gain weight. I'm hoping that once I get back on my wheels I'll lose a few extra pounds too!

    I'd love to make a few friends who are going through the same thing (the rest of my team is mysteriously skinny as hell, wtf?) so feel free to add me!
  • Hey everyone, I'm Ann O'War and I play for and am the head trainer/training coordinator of the South Side Derby Dolls (or S2D2 for short. Our league has an underlying Star Wars them) in Sydney, Australia. I've been playing since 2010 and play on my league's travel team as we started this year, but came from a league that had bouting experience, so we're not completely new. I started off the better part of this year just training because I broke my arm in March skating in a huge bowl with Estro Jen when she made the trek Down Under to do some coaching.

    Some of my team mates and I went to Rollercon this year and had a blast! I think I'll be heading over again next year too. I recently just got back from Western Regionals and had the best time and am going to try to go back for Regionals nest year as well.

    I am also a cast member of Australia's only roller derby podcast, Viva La Derby!
  • twilightlvr79
    twilightlvr79 Posts: 130 Member
    Hello Everyone! My name is Linda and I am wanting to join our local roller derby team next year. I am looking for any advice anyone can offer me. I used to be a really good skater but it has been a really long time since I have been on skates so I am not that great anymore so if anyone has any advise on how to improve balance I am open to suggestions. My friends daughter skates on the junior team now and I had a friend that used to skate on the team in Charleston. Part of my problem I figured out was my skates I was still using the skates that I bought 20 years ago and I just got new skates 2 weeks ago and my balance has already improved a lot. But I really want to get better before the team starts their next boot camp so if anyone wants to share any words of wisdom please do!
  • Hello Everyone! My name is Linda and I am wanting to join our local roller derby team next year. I am looking for any advice anyone can offer me. I used to be a really good skater but it has been a really long time since I have been on skates so I am not that great anymore so if anyone has any advise on how to improve balance I am open to suggestions. My friends daughter skates on the junior team now and I had a friend that used to skate on the team in Charleston. Part of my problem I figured out was my skates I was still using the skates that I bought 20 years ago and I just got new skates 2 weeks ago and my balance has already improved a lot. But I really want to get better before the team starts their next boot camp so if anyone wants to share any words of wisdom please do!

    Spend as much time as you can on your skates.
    Any time you can't spend on them, balance on one leg and do one leg squats. Squats in general will help.
    When you are skating, throw yourself in gung ho and try and make yourself fall over. Pushing your boundaries is awesome and it shows you where your natural balance is.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Fresh Meat here. I recently joined the Charlotte Roller Girls. I'm working toward WFTDA assessments in December. I probably won't pass.

    What brought me to derby? I'm an ice skater. One of my best friends on MFP was a derby girl. I say "was" because she is no longer with us. Her passing inspired me to go check out a derby match. I'm watching this game, enjoying every second, thinking no way can I do this. By the end of the match, I'm all "I WANT TO DO THIS!" So I got my gear, attended their training clinics, and tryouts. I'm good enough for the league. Grannies say I've got potential. Now to be good enough for assessments and actually get to bout!

    I don't have a name yet. I have one kind of picked out. It's not taken by two evils. But derby is so much more than names and fish nets.
  • Hey all. I just found the groups here on MFP and thought I'd search out derby for the heck of it.
    I'm Nopac Shakur. I am mainly affiliated with the Dixie Derby Girls in North Alabama, but I worked with Duke City Derby out in New Mexico for a short time. I've been a referee for about three years now and have guest reffed for many different leagues around the South and Midwest.

    I used to be a hockey player, and I've always been someone who picks up a hobby only to do it hard core for a month and quit. Derby is different. It's physical and mental exercise, it's ever-changing and ever-evolving. It's something to look forward to. Feel free to add me on here, because the more [especially derby] people I have in my network, the more motivated I get! I had to take 8 months off of refereeing due to my job and last semester of school. During that period, I probably put on a good 20 lbs. It's time for it to go.
  • I'm Mean Deneen and I play for Arizona Roller Derby. My team has won two state championships. I've been playing derby since 2006, but have been skating since I was four-years-old. My mother was a derby girl in the 70s, so it's kind of in my blood.

    I need to lose 15 lbs., but I'm having a hard time figuring out the food balance with such an intense sport.
  • rcharlee
    rcharlee Posts: 182 Member
    Hi my name is Randi. I'm freshmeat, and have my first practice on Saturday. I'm joining North Texas Derby Revolution. I'm comfortable on skates, but need some work; so I will be a Crash Test Hunnie for at least 45 days then do my WFTDA testing. I wanted to start skating again a few years ago, but pregnancy stopped me. Now that my kid is a bit older it seems like derby has been stalking me! A skater moved into the neighborhood, I went to a retired skaters wedding, and a new chick at work was an Ohio RollerGirl. Once I met my coworker, I knew it was time. Everything has fallen perfectly in place schedule wise, and I'm ready to get rolling!
  • shanmackie
    shanmackie Posts: 194 Member
    Hey guys! :D My name is Shannon, but my derby name is Astor Risk. I'm nearly graduated from the "tot" program with Diamond State Rollergirls. I only have to do my t-stops now and the written rules test. I think I'll wait until January to take the written over though, since the rules are all changing. I never wanted to do roller derby because I was so afraid of getting hurt, but it was suggested to me over and over again mostly because of my small size. Now that I've put on some skates, I'm in love with the sport and don't want to stop! I love Jamming!!! I hate blocking but I know it will make me a better jammer the more I block. Feel free to add me! :)
  • landslde
    landslde Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! I'm Auntie Embolism and I skate for the Omaha Rollergirls. I've been playing derby for over 6 years. I started with the Kansas City Roller Warriors in 2006 and transferred to the Omaha Rollergirls when my husband and I moved to Omaha in 2011. I'm currently captain of the Omaha Rollergirls and the Director of Coaching. Derby has brought so many amazing experiences into my life including my husband (we met at a derby afterparty). I want to lose weight not only to make me a better player, but also to be healthier and happier.
  • nillapup
    nillapup Posts: 204 Member
    Hey My derby name is Spark an Burn.. I am co-president and co-captain of The Elm City Derby Damez in Keene NH.. I have been playing derby since 2010.. I am absolutely addicted to all things derby, But mostly I just love to skate and have fun :o)
  • Ms_Pixie
    Ms_Pixie Posts: 148 Member
    Ahoy hoy! I'm Pixie O'Horror from Sydney Roller Derby League in Sydney Australia. I started derby-ing close to 3 years ago now with a 9 month break due to injury/ rehab - pretty stoked to see a derby group on MFP :-)
  • healthyallison
    healthyallison Posts: 2 Member
    Hey ladies! So happy I found this group!

    I'm a recently-confirmed Level 1 skater for the Massachusetts Bay State Brawlers. I just had my second full-contact practice, and I have the bruises forming to prove it!

    I've been up and down with my weight over the years, but I've finally committed to exercising and eating healthy because I want so badly to be a valuable player for my league. I've been losing weight and gaining tons of muscle (I think my *kitten* has been lifted like 3 inches from all the squats and wall-sits) so I hope my hard work and dedication will pay off in the end. I've been having some knee pain, so I'm starting physical therapy this week. Hope it helps!

    It's so wonderful to meet all of you. Derby has truly changed my life, and I've never been so appreciative of a group of people before.

    Best of luck to you all, and please add me! I need more derby talk on my dash!

    With love,
    Allison Bamcat
    (no official name yet)

  • jodimitchell
    jodimitchell Posts: 86 Member
    Im back! I fell off the mfp wagon awhile back... Im now up 30 pounds and tired and ready to get it back off! Im Razzybeth with the Pearl River Swamp Dolls. Ive been loving derby for about year and half! Its nice to meet all of you! Feel free to friend me and call me out when i slack on posting! Thanks.