Tell us about yourself!!



  • aurorabdcrg
    Hi, y'all! My name is Aurora Borey-ALL-*kitten* and I skate with the DC Rollergirls of Washington, DC. I am one of the proudest, newest members of the DC Demoncats, one of our four home teams, and I hope to try out for our travel team, the DC All-Stars this fall. I started skating about a year and a half ago, taking a mini-break to get married (YAY NEWLYWEDS!) but promptly got "back on the horse" after my honeymoon. I joined DCRG's fresh meat group last June and never looked back!

    My main goals here are to get back down to my "active" college/pre-pregnancy weight and into clothes that fit normally again - you know, given how derby automatically makes your thighs even bigger than you thought they could ever be. I also want to get my endurance and healthy eating back in gear.

    It's nice to see so many derby girls here! Awesome!
  • SinkTheBismarck
    Fresh meat here! I've been training to tryout next week for Curitiba Blue Jay Rollers - Brazil. :) Wish me luck!
  • Chialupa
    Chialupa Posts: 2
    Hi! I'm Mia. I'm like PRE-freshmeat in Los Angeles, CA. I picked up a pair of skates at a goodwill store and I've always wanted to try derby. For now I'm just skating to and from work for exercise, but I'll be going to see my first bout soon!

    My cousins up in Seattle, WA are Lexi Luthor with the Rat City Rollergirls and Carmen Die-Oxide with the Slaughter County Roller Vixens.
  • VenomdePlume
    VenomdePlume Posts: 3 Member
    Hey! I play roller derby in New Zealand. I'm at intermediate level. I love the sport and want to lose a few unhealthy kgs so I'm carrying less weight around on the track. I've been on MFP for a while but keep falling off the wagon... I invite you to encourage me to stick with it!! Cheers!
  • kgirlknits
    kgirlknits Posts: 9
    hiya, I'm Sailor-Mouth Sadie, I play with South Sea Roller Derby in Melbourne, Australia. We're in our 3rd season, and I've been with them from the very beginning...Derby is the only team sport I've ever played and I started when I was 39yrs old (never too late!)

    I'm currently coming back from broken ankle, took 9mths rehab - both mental and physical - to get back on skates, have only been back since end of March, so needless to say a few kilos have piled on and I need to get myself back in form while at the same time recovering some of my skills. Struggling mainly with the fact that gameplay has had a dramatic jump in direction over the last year - so many new strategies and tactics!!
  • StVal
    StVal Posts: 91
    My real name is Michelle and after a 2 year hiatus from derby, I'm finally going back. Actually, I already went back about a month ago. My name WAS St.Val Massacre #1929 of San Diego Roller Derby, but when I quit, I decided to retire everything. Now, I am Cattie D. Ville #57 of SoCal Derby (I hope, as I am still a newbie on this league). My boyfriend is NSOing at the moment and hoping moving into a skating official. His skate name is Couper D. Ville. heh My position is usually power blocker or #3 blocker. And I need a whole lot of motivation. When I quit derby for personal reasons, I thought it was for good. And that really depressed me, in return leading me into becoming lazy and gaining a lot of weight. My endurance is next to nothing, but I am determined to get back to where I was and then some. Anyone else from San Diego?

    P.S. RenegadeRileyy, my boyfriend's daughter plays for Gypsy. She's the cute, blonde, high schooler, Kylee. Love her. <3
  • BellaBones
    BellaBones Posts: 136
    My Name is Rockalishous and I am a roller addict :) I hail from San Diego and am a Blocker/ Jammer(when need be) But my primary spot on the line is the Number 3 ( I get my jammer through)!!! My League is San Diego Roller Derby and I play full time on our B team The Rockettes (name will be changing soon, you probably can see why :p ). St Val got me into this roller derby thing by just telling me to show up. I show up with my artistic skates and some sweats on not really knowing what to expect, but it was the best thing ever. I knew I had found my place in life! I skate to keep in shape, I derby to keep sane!!! I found a purpose, as derby comsumes your life and I abosolutely love every minute of it. I live for bout days. I have been to Idaho and played in the Spudtown Knockdown, that was awesome. This is my 2nd season being a part of the team. I am currently on my second pair of skates, the diablo's were good to me, but I had to make the progression to the She Devils and I love them :) Hopefully they will last for a few years. I have been to rollecon twice and will be returning this year :) I do some NSOing, my last big event was Line tracking and penalty box for the DustBowl, that was some fun times.
    Anyway that is my story and I am sticking to it, Roll!
  • lunabellalove
    lunabellalove Posts: 11 Member
    Hey everyone! I am Lola la Slam and I play for the Twin City Derby Girls in Champaign, IL.

    I've never liked sports. I've never played any either, except for a completely unpleasant experience with softball in the first grade.

    A friend told me they had roller derby in my area and that I should go and watch a bout. Of course, I'd seen Whip It, so I knew it was cool. : P I knew about a quarter of the way through the first half that I had to try. I hadn't really skated since Jr. High.. even then I only think I ever when a handful of times. It's been pretty awesome so far. I've been skating for almost a year (in September).

    I'm mostly using this site to keep myself accountable. I'm trying to eat healthy and get in lots of excersize.

    How do you guys log practice on this site?? I googled around to try to find approximate calories burned by an average derby practice and tried to find something that gets close. I'm tracking it as rugby... I don't know if that's about right or not...
  • trill0042
    trill0042 Posts: 110 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Tracy, I haven't found the right derby name for myself yet. I'm fresh meat with the Capital City Crushers in Topeka, KS. I've only been to two practices so far but I'm totally hooked! This week I practiced with rentals and the smelly shared pads. I ordered my fresh meat package and will get to use it next practice. I can't wait to try my new skates!

    I spent my childhood skating. I started out on quads but switched to roller blades when they came out because "it was the cool thing to do". My first week at practice was spent readjusting to quads, working on transitions and trying to skate backwards (I've been trying to skate backwards since I was 8). By the end of last practice I was able to go backwards at at decent speed and was able to make it almost half way around the rink before I messed up.
  • slamazon
    slamazon Posts: 43 Member
    I posted on here awhile ago to introduce myself .. and thought I would add an update.

    I made it through tryouts in February 2012, passed benchmarks in early July and was drafted to one of our house teams, the B-52 Bellas right after benchmarks!!!!

    BTW ... I am 40 years young and am stoked to state that I have no problem keeping up with the young 'uns!

    My derby name is SLAMAZON and I am playing in my first two games this weekend!!!!
  • TheDotz
    TheDotz Posts: 12
    Hello! My name is Jen, skating name Strippin' Dotz. I'm a NSO and referee in training for the Omaha Rollergirls. I joined the league just over a year ago, and it was the best thing I've ever done for myself. I'm working my bum off right now training. I'm reffing my first set of games in September, and want to make sure I've earned my stripes.

    I work on reffing at scrimmages and work on my endurance by practicing with the Big O Roller Bros (first mens team in Nebraska, baby!). I'm loving what I'm doing, and have never felt better!
  • tekne1
    tekne1 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Maeby Rude. I skated briefly in 2007 with the Chicago Siren's fresh meat, but before I could try out the league disbanded. A league formed near me in January, and I skated with them for a few months. However, they had practices before I got out of work so I didn't feel like I could commit to a team if I couldn't make practices.

    I also joined a Derby Lite fitness class in January. Derby Lite is a ton of fun and fits my schedule, even though it was a bit of a drive from where I am in Indiana out to classes in Illinois. A friend and I got certified as instructors and became Derby Lite Pivot Partners. We are starting to offer local Derby Lite classes this fall, and I'm super excited! Since starting again with roller derby in January, I've lost over 40 pounds and feel like a whole new person. I still have 50 more to go, but it totally seems doable with derby. I can't wait to bring Derby Lite to other women in my area.
  • Summermaus
    Hey there! So glad to find a derby group on MFP :) I'm freshmeat (going to take my level 1 exam in a few weeks!) and roller derby has turned my life around in the best way. I'm working out and eating right to WIN and be the best derby girl I can be, because being on skates makes me feel alive :D

    Anyway, hi! Would love some new friends around here, add me!
  • silverjezture
    silverjezture Posts: 46 Member
    Hey all
    i'm Theresa (no derby name as I haven't even begun to look for a group or anything yet- I am afraid I am too big atm and too small as well- 4'11" and about 240lbs) I adore derby though and really want to get small enough and relearn on quads well enough to try within the next year or so- any advice for a wannabe roller gal?!?
  • mizkitty182
    mizkitty182 Posts: 3 Member
    My name is Da BOMB Dailey. Wanted to loose some weight.. like 30 pounds and I love roller derby. I play for the Brandywine Roller girls in Downingtown PA. Find it a little difficult managing everything and going to practice 4 days a week and getting enough calories to play but not too much where I don't loose weight. I'm also a Pediatric home care nurse. 26, no kids, back in school. :)
  • Nurse_Pain
    Hi! My name is Clara. :)

    I'm not a derby girl YET but I am trying very, very hard. :) So excited to find a derby group on MFP. I'm 23, a newly minted nurse, and am hoping to join my local team by next summer. Having a bit of a difficult time, since my local leagues don't really do "fresh meat" training for newbs, they do it for girls who've already made the team! So I'm trying to learn the skills by myself. Any tips for a roller-girl in training would be awesome!!!
  • Flux_Decapitator
    Flux_Decapitator Posts: 12 Member
    HI! I'm ZomB and I skate with South Sea Roller Derby in Victoria, Australia :)
    I've only just passed my bouting test after 18 months (YAY!) and i've got just under 2 months till my first bout. I joined MFP with another skater so we could motivate and help each other with our weight loss goals. I lost around 13kg last year and it made a huge difference with my fitness and how i felt on my skates but i've now put half of it back on and every training I can feel the extra weight bogging me down. So i'm here to lose the weight i put back on, plus more and to get fit so i can be a better skater. I really look forward to chatting with you guys about derby, fitness and everything else!

  • HartsvilleMom3
    HartsvilleMom3 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi My name is Tara or AKA : Hop Along Cassidy
    I have been doing roller derby for 4 yrs now this is my first year bouting though with a newer team The Sumter Fly Girls from Sumter South Carolina. I love derby !! I am glad I have found a group that will help me with my goal I would like to succeed.
  • 76blaze
    Hi my name is Heather, or Hellblazer #23. I'm from southern Ohio, my team is the Appalachian Hell Betties, out of Athen's Ohio. We are a new team. I've been doing derby about a year. When I started I was in horrible shape. A year later, I've lost 50 pounds just from the activity, but I have a long way to go, so I thought maybe this would help me with motivation. I want to get in better shape to be a better derby girl. I want to be able to do 25 in 5, which I'm still not able to do. I'd like to be able to build up my stamina, tone up my body, and obviously lose weight. I hope that we will all work together to meet our goal. :smile:
  • apocalypsepwnie
    I'm Apocalypse Pwnie.
    I'm with Newcastle Roller Derby League in NSW Australia.
    This week is my 2nd anniversary and I'm still pre-scrimmage. Granted, our league has very touch standards to meet but I'm a goober full of excuses.
    I'm about 2 weeks away from trialing with a team and doing mini scrimmage. I am so pumped and really standing out as a line commander and front player, so I guess #1 or #2. That's really exciting for me.
    I jammed for the first time ever on the weekend and scored 4 points!!

    Derby has taken over my life and I love it. Not sure where I'd be without it.
    Just trying to get myself into the funky fit groove I had last year by eating well and respecting my body. It's one of the things that stopping me from attaining my goal.

    I have 2 dreams I want.
    One is to have my name announced infront of a crowd with my mum watching. Our announcer has the best voice and I cannot wait to hear him say my name while everyone is watching.
    Second is to positionally block so of our best players in a jam. Godjilla and Brign Strong come to mind hehehe.