Tell us about yourself!!



  • Hey everyone, I'm Brandi. I was the person that when i saw that a Derby team was looking for people i jumped and attacked the chance immediately. I completely loved everything about it and for years wanted to be part of it but didn't know of any places that had teams. :D I just started roller derby about 4 weeks ago and am in training. So far i love everything about it! I'm fresh meat for Susquehanna Valley Derby Vixens in Williamsport, PA! I don't have a derby name yet though. After the first week i started looking for my own skates and after week two i made my order and got my skates and having your own skates makes a huge difference compared to rental skates. The girl who is running the training course is really pushing me because she wants to make me a jammer, the whole team has been watching the training group and me a little and they keep telling me how they really need more jammers. So i have been working harder than anything to try to get up to what they are looking for. Really need to work harder on my speed and control more though. Hopefully things will workout for the best. :)

    I joined MFP to keep tabs on what i am eating and try to lose weight. So far i did lose 5 pounds but i have not lost anything in close to two months but i have noticed clothing fitting looser and people have been asking me if i am losing weight. So i'm happy with that at least. I would have thought between roller derby and karate i would be losing pounds but nothing yet. But I will keep working at it and maybe a little more results will come. :D
  • Hey everybody. I came to this site to track what I eat and to become more accountable for what I use to fuel my body and health.

    Our local leauge is 1 yr old! We're all headed out to celebrate tmro night actually. I just pulled up the menu for the restaurant we're headed to and am kinda disappointed in the fat crap food they serve :(

    Anyways I am still fresh meat, started training sept/11. I was excited to join as soon as I heard we had a league and cottage season was over. I was getting board of the gym weight and step classes alone... Unfortunately we only train derby 2hrs on Sundays as we are having a hard time finding a permanent home but that is in the works!!

    Junior derby starts officially this Sunday and my daughters, 9 and 11, are stoked. They have all their gear and we'll be molding mouth guards tmro.

    Hope to get to know you guys. I use the app mostly but will try to check in when I can. Life is busy and I don't send a whole lot of time on the net.

    Be well everyone and take care of your bones!!!
  • I'm Panama Pounder & I'm a freshmeat with R.O.C.K. (Rollergirls of Central Kentucky).

    I have been practicing with R.O.C.K. on and off for a year and I am finally ready to commit to this sport fully and I'm joining in order to keep track of my training.

    I also have a tumblr if you ladies would like to add me and encourage me even more :)
  • IrateBeth
    IrateBeth Posts: 42 Member
    Hey All
    I'm Irate Pirate from NH Roller Derby.
    My league will be 5 years old this season! How exciting. It is also our second year as a full WFTDA League. I will have personally been with NHRD for 4 years next month.
    I currently skate for the All Star team. I am working extra hard this year on training. I need to ramp it up and we (the whole team) wanna see Regionals this year ... or at least know we ALMOST made it! Any encouragement would be great!

    My goals are less weight oriented, and more endurance and fitness/general oriented.

    I am looking forward to seeing everyone's progress and maybe meet some of you on the track!
  • Msmeganrock
    Msmeganrock Posts: 10 Member
    Hi gals! I am Mistress Von Trample with Dockyard Derby Dames of Tacoma, WA! I've been skating for almost 5 years, and am a blocker, who is starting to dip her toes in the jammer pool reluctantly, since my team has recenty had to pretty much start over from scratch, with only 3 vets (including myself) . Been trying to lose some pounds for a while now, and hoping that through joining this group I'll find some motivation and support from likeminded ladies!
  • Thank godzilla for a derby group!

    Hiya -- I'm Fifi Fleshwound, with Suburbia Roller Derby in Westchester County, NY! I just joined MFP to focus on sticking with my goals of eating more fruits & veggies, leaving food on my plate, not getting seconds & dropping about 10 lbs.

    I'm a pivot or 2 & made it onto my league's all-star charter, Suburban Brawl, in December, & next I wanna make it to the starting roster. Mentally, I know that the better I eat, the better I'll play, but putting it into practice is difficult. Cheese & wine taste too damn good. So do Tostitos, damn it. On that note, it's time for lunch -- breakfast tacos with egg beaters, spinach, onions & cheese. :D
  • thegreengoth
    thegreengoth Posts: 22 Member
    Hi! I'm currently retired from banked-track but am considering trying out for flat-track soon
    My name while I was active was Steph Infection
    I bought my first pair of R3's to mix-up my workout routine, but along the way I discovered I really loved the butt-kicking and found RD to be a great outlet for aggression.
  • Hi all! I've been an NSO the past few years and will be trying out for Big Easy Roller Girls this year after picking up skates a few months ago (September). I'm learning a LOT and eager to see about making the switch to a skater. My hubby is making transition from NSO to skate ref this year (Quentin Terror-Tino) and we are both hoping for motivation and tips to knock off a few extra pounds and get into derby shape! Good luck to all this season!
  • I’m currently in the Fresh Meat program for the London Rockin Rollers, I’ve been waiting just under a year for try outs – got injured at tryouts but now I’m back on skates and ready to go. I’ve loved derby for a really long time, but only this year got up the nerve to get on skates.
    I’ve been gyming for over a year and all those squats have helped my get ready for Derby Stance (and festival portaloos helped with that!)
    In three weeks I’ll know if I’m in to wreck league.
  • Bomer5
    Bomer5 Posts: 4 Member
    I want to join the local derby team, but I get very nervous in "social" settings. Plus the fact that I don't have much strength although I look like I do, I dont want to get pummeled lol or humilated cuz I can't skate either... maybe I should practice before I go sign up lol
  • thejeweller
    thejeweller Posts: 6 Member
    Hey all - I'm Dymond Cut-Her from the Hammercity Roller Girls :) I've lost about 30lbs and Ive got about 15+ish to go

    I started skating as fresh with with Toronto, and then moved to Hamilton this past Feb. Its great to see everyone on this board!!!
  • I want to join the local derby team, but I get very nervous in "social" settings. Plus the fact that I don't have much strength although I look like I do, I dont want to get pummeled lol or humilated cuz I can't skate either... maybe I should practice before I go sign up lol

    They teach you how to skate. I only started in Jan and can skate now. Most of the time they really want you to do well so help you out.
  • IrateBeth
    IrateBeth Posts: 42 Member
    I want to join the local derby team, but I get very nervous in "social" settings. Plus the fact that I don't have much strength although I look like I do, I dont want to get pummeled lol or humilated cuz I can't skate either... maybe I should practice before I go sign up lol

    Sianarella is right. Most leagues will teach you how to skate. Go to the offered clinics, and just keep practicing. Some of the stars on my team started off not skating well at all. So, they wore their skates all the time (around the house, at work, anywhere any time).
    As for the social anxiety: I can tell you, as someone who used to have panic attacks when meeting new people... Derby changes that somehow. Gather some friends and meet the derby girls near you. Email their recruitment/fresh meat contact.
    Also, any strength training (plyometrics, kettlebell, etc) will help.
    And wall squats... Lots of wall squats ;-)

    So, sign up!
  • Derby also feels like a family - they will help and support you. I didn't know anyone and they totally 'adopted' me. They will want you to do well as you might end up their team mate, they wont send you out there if they don’t think you’re ready.
    And if you don’t end up skating there’s always being an NSO.
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    I've always been drawn to derby. Part of the reason I joined MFP is to loose some more weight so I can join the providence team. I'm not secure enough with myself to join now. My dad was big into roller skating so I learned to sktate not long after i learned to walk, its been a while so I'm probably a little rusty now.
    My goal is to loose the weight I want to and buy all my beginner gear so I can join next year.
  • IrateBeth
    IrateBeth Posts: 42 Member
    I've always been drawn to derby. Part of the reason I joined MFP is to loose some more weight so I can join the providence team. I'm not secure enough with myself to join now. My dad was big into roller skating so I learned to sktate not long after i learned to walk, its been a while so I'm probably a little rusty now.
    My goal is to loose the weight I want to and buy all my beginner gear so I can join next year.

    Well, remember Derby practice will help you with those loss goals! Be sure you do your squats, and work that endurance. Also, ask the gals on the team/league.

    Reach out to Shelby Bruisin'. She is on the Old Money Honeys, was on the B's and I think even the Riveters for a while. She can tell you that being bigger is not a bad thing! It can actually be a good thing. She is a fantastic girl, and a great trainer/mentor.
  • Reban060
    Reban060 Posts: 23
    My name is Rebecca, but you can call me CrashC*ntess (seems like MFP censors my derbyname)! I am a rollderby rookie who just started skating for The Royal Swedish Roller Derby, a rather new league based in Stockholm, Sweden. I got introduced to derby last summer by a friend of mine, and together we joined the RSRD in January this year, and I am completely hooked!
  • yepitsjen
    yepitsjen Posts: 79 Member
    Hey there,

    I'm Miss Appropriate from Seattle, WA. I've skated derby off and on for about 6 years, co-founding one league and then skating with another small rec league that's working hard to make a name. I just retired from that league in February and haven't been skating much. I was out of shape, fat, drinking too much, stressed and depressed and didn't think I had it in me to give to a team- so I quit. I was with a team that had some internal conflicts happening and it just made it hard to love.

    I started working to get healthy and work out again, and in doing so, over the past couple of months I rekindled my love for derby. My best form of exercise is putting on my skates and hitting the trails around my super-conservative office park. I get a lot of weird looks but hey- it's time on my skates AND exercise.

    Thanks for starting this group.
  • bobslackdobbs
    bobslackdobbs Posts: 4 Member

    I'm Moxy and I skate with the Gainesville Roller Rebels in Florida. I've skated for a little over a year, starting with the Texas Rollergirls Rec league before moving to FL. Derby has already motivated me to quit smoking, and now i'm ready to take things to the next level and get more fit so I can hopefully start getting rostered for bouts. I wanna cut fat weight, build muscle mass, and most importantly, improve speed, endurance, and agility.
  • HI, ladies! I"m N3rdy Grrrl, and I skate with the Rage City Rollergirls from AnchoRAGE, Alaska! Our travel team is skating in the Dust Devil tournament this weekend, and one of my goals is to make our All*Stars team next season. With that in mind, I am working towards leading a healthier lifestyle that makes me a lean, mean All*Star machine. ;)

    I recently had a terrible staph infection in my tonsils, and I lost 35 lbs by just being in bed. After I had my nasty *kitten* tonsils removed, and I was cleared to return to skate, I could not BELIEVE how much easier skating was! I am super duper motivated. Lucky for me, our league is sponsored by a local gym, so I get free passes every week. Yay!