Electricls Member


  • I like! Thanks for the idea.
  • I recently (August 2012) did what is tenderly known as the "big chop" a process of cutting off all the "relaxed" hair to allow my natural hair to grow out. I had been getting relaxers (the opposite of a perm but the same kind of chemical treatment) since I was like 8 or 9. I'm very glad I decided to stop the checmical…
  • If it's loose material it's gotta be above my knee if I'm doing cardio. If it's weight training, pretty much anything is ok. In general, I prefer spandex to sweats and above the knee. I wear t-shirts and sports bras with underwire.
  • bump, so I never lose you again, thread *hmmm*
  • Studied Mandarin, Russian, Japanese, Arabic, and Farsi. Love foreign languages!! I speak English quite fluently. I would love to practice with someone who's interested.
  • You could take biotin supplements. I'm using Nature's Bounty Super POtency 5000mcg, but you have to be careful. Too much Biotin makes some people break out. I would start with a less potent pill until you figure out how it effects you.
  • Awesome, yeah I do too. The World War Z the book sounds like a good read. I actually picked up a few YA books at NYComicCon in October that I'll be reading when I get home. I also went to a panel they had with some of the YA authors (including the writer of Beautiful Creatures which is being made into a movie that I don't…
  • Everyone will probably laugh at me, but I really liked Hunger Games and Catching Fire, Mockingjay was ok, but not the greatest in my opinion. Isn't World War Z the one they are making into a movie with Brad Pitt?
  • If you like AB you will like MG too, I think. I actually read MG first and would pick up the AB books read the back and say "eh, looks ok, but not a must read." Then I found the first book at a university book store for like $.25, bought it and fell in love. You should definitely read Kushiel's Dart.
  • I"m a super serious Laurell K Hamilton fan. I love Anita Blake and the Meredith Gentry series. Can't wait for the next Anita and I think i read that she is going to continue the MG series too.
  • ^^This is very true. Favorite books: Trilogy titled: Kushiel's Dart, K's Chosen, and K's Avatar by Jacqueline Carey. Anyone read them???