

  • :grumble: ok no scolding you today cause you are taking step 1 towards the future - YOUR FUTURE. Don't focus on anyone else but you. No go find one of those pictures from years ago when you were slim & trim and post it on the fridge or whereever you will see it to feel the inspiration again. You need a mental image to…
    in Meal Help Comment by missderah June 2009
  • :glasses: Hi there - we are in the same boat together so we must stay strong for everyone - we must appreciate ourselves and love us as we are - it is hard but we will persist. NOw if only the cravings were not there. Right?
    in HI Comment by missderah June 2009
  • just found the site - i need to lose weight because all my clothes wont fit - thats it - where did my other body go. All those "only just 1" have obviously done damage to my waitstline - so hard to be in yr 50's and look in the mirror and not recognize my body anymore.
    in HI Comment by missderah June 2009