Meal Help

CristinaAnn Posts: 8
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
My family eats out almost every night for dinner. I have two boys (ages 13 & 11) who are very picky & an overweight husband who will not eat chicken! Please let me know if you all have any quick & easy dinner ideas. I am working towards gastric banding and am just starting my journey. Today was my first day of my "new way of life." I knew I had gained a lot of weight over the last year but going for my regular check up last week with my doctor was disappointing. I am 39 ,only 5'4" and weigh 246.5 lbs.!! What put me over the edge into reality was the fact the regular sized blood pressure cuff didn't fit around my arm. The nurse had to use a larger cuff. I used to be a runner & cheerleader many years ago and can now barely move out of my computer chair. Hopefully this website is going to help me start & keep motivated!


  • missderah
    missderah Posts: 3
    :grumble: ok no scolding you today cause you are taking step 1 towards the future - YOUR FUTURE. Don't focus on anyone else but you.

    No go find one of those pictures from years ago when you were slim & trim and post it on the fridge or whereever you will see it to feel the inspiration again. You need a mental image to focus on.

    Find a menu plan and stick to it - tell the family you are not going out to dinner as the temptation out there is too great. Restaurants are not in business to starve people. They serve too much in portions and we doomed from the minute we walk thru that door.

    Any Weight Watchers in town - join a group for more moral support so it forces you to get out and mingle. I will give you receipe ideas later but for now you need to think about salads and fresh veggies.
  • You can do it! Don't beat yourself up! Your taking the first steps in getting healthy! Keep at it. It's a life style change so make your husband aware and share with him your goals and why your doing it. In the long run your whole family will thank you!!
  • TheJackyl
    TheJackyl Posts: 88
    Blatant honesty, you need to worry not about just your looks but your health. Closing in on 40 carrying that kind of excess weight is asking for trouble. You need to do this most importantly for yourself but for your family as well and they should understand and support you.

    Talk to your family and get them on board with you. If the boys can't get on board then I say it's time for a little tough love, if they want to eat they can eat healthy with you, if not they are plenty old enough to cook for themselves.

    You can do this, you need to do this and you will do this. If the family is difficult in getting on board at first they will come around once they start seeing the results.
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