

  • Hi I have some tips but I don't work night shift lol. I stay up really late though studying so almost a shift I guess. You could always buy workout dvds and do them at your own time. For example zumba is a great workout and you have tons of fun doing it if you like to dance or maybe a Taebo type workout if you are into…
    in new here Comment by web9816 May 2012
  • Welcome to the site I am Kim and looking to lose quite a bit of weight. We are close to the same age and if you are game we can be buddies and keep each other on track.
  • Congrats I hope to be where you are one day
  • Hey welcome to the site. I am Kim and I have to say that honestly this site for me is better than sliced bread LITERALLY! I signed up on the site May 1st and I am proud to say since then and now I am down 12 pounds got about 50 to 55 more to go. I am also looking for a buddy to help with weight loss and would love to team…