ycortinas Member


  • Congratulations! I think you are pretty motivated since you've been able to lose all that weight. Feel free to add me as your friend. I think you could be more of an inspiration to me. Way to go!
  • I know how you feel, at first I didn't have friends on MFP either and it was hard, but recently I've added some friends and just knowing they are there helps me out. Feel free to add me.
  • Sounds like you are developing Heel Spurs. The foot pain you are describing in the morning and being unable to walk, is exactly how I was feeling when I was diagnosed with Heel Spurs. They suggested I buy a new pair of tennis shoes because my old pair might be worn out and not absorbing the shock properly. When that didn't…
  • I recently got diagnosed with Diabetes myself, but have been in denial, but it's time for me to do something about it. I too am not ready to give up beer, but I try to drink Michelob Ultra whenever possible or Bud Light. I have cut down though. No, I would not be offended by your posting of beer.
  • Way to go!!! So proud of you! I wish I had been able to lose my baby fat that easily when I had my kids. Sounds like u are really motivated. I wish I had your stamina and motivation. How did you do it with a newborn? Perhaps you can encourage me!
  • In my opinion, an elliptical takes more endurance and you get an overall workout because you are standing and using more muscles, such as your arms, legs and your heart, therefore burning more calories. In a stationary bike you sitting down using mainly your legs. if you are looking to burn more calories, I recommend the…
  • Fantastic!!! I wish I had your determination. Way to go!