

  • Thanks for the replies guys! I think your probably right, I have spoken with a friend recently who is a fitness and health instructor and he said the same bout percent of diet and exercise. So I've done a bit of research and looked into high protein foods to swap for all the carbs I'm eating and hopefully that will make a…
  • I would really like that too, I'm happy to have a browse if you would do the same for me. Best of luck and happy fat busting!!
  • Small steps and portion control seem to be the top tips that I have learnt today. I also eat just before bed or even in bed sometimes (naughty I know) it's a bad habit to have, I feel guilty every time but my dinner just doesn't cut it so by 10pm I'm hungry again. I also don't really have a sweet tooth but find myself…
  • Awww I feel your pain, I really do. I am in a similar position to you with a dull sit down job, eating due to bordem and no energy or motivation to get to the gym. It's expensive and makes you feel worse for not going or exercising and for eating things you shouldn't! I have just joined today and have set myself a mission…
  • I am exactly the same, the motivation comes in waves! Keep reminding yourself of what your aiming for and you might just reach your goal! :) Feel free to add me for some motivation
  • I don't know why I didn't sign up before, there are so many beautiful people all aiming for the same thing. Thank you all for such nice and motivating comments! I look forward to a slimmer healthier life and hearing all about yours! We CAN do this!!
  • Wow guys, thanks for such a quick and positive response! You all seem like very brave and motivated people, I hope it rubs off! Good luck and keep it up! x