Jhedghes Member


  • Ok... For those in question... My BMR (with math): Weight: 254 × 6.23 = 1582.42 Height: 74 × 12.7 = 939.8 Age: 32 × 6.8 = 217.6 Weight + height - age = 2304.62 Add 66 = 2370.62 Weekend calories: 2370.62 × 1.2 (Light activity) = 2844.74 2844.74 - 500 = 2344.74/day doing nothing but playing xbox Weekday calories: 2370.62 ×…
  • Daily routine: Load trucks at UPS for 5 hours. This is a medium to high intensity job lifting an average package weight of 60lbs and walking over 12,000 steps. 1 hour break 2nd job - I work with low to high functioning, high violence autistic kids and adults. Medium intensity, averaging 9,000 to 11,000 steps a day. I have…
  • Who are you - I am me Age - 00110011 00110000 Female or male - I think this is a gender biased question and don't approve of it RP - I do...haven't in a while though LARP - Y'all bother me What are your weightloss goals - 200 lbs...bench 325. How many pounds have you lost - See below Walk on the Beach - Yeah...I've done…
  • My wife and I met through WoW. We were both in relationships and across the country. Over a period of a few months I moved and from there everything fell into place.