snetterv Member


  • I find if I can go 2 weeks without eating sweets, I don't crave them as much. I go to the store when I am full, and I don't go down the sweet aisle, it's too tempting. I don't bring it in the house so I don't have access when the craving starts, it always passes. I usually only crave sweets at night so when I do crave…
  • I took Neurontin for many years. I have severe sleep apnea where my brain forgets to breath and of course the snoring kind too, but mostly it affects my brain. I take a lot of pain meds so when my Dr, reviewed my meds she took me off the neurontin and replaced it with Cymbalta. Not only did it work better but I also…
    in Neurotin Comment by snetterv June 2015
  • I hear you twiztc, I don't think we lose weight like "normal" people either but, I have seem some of the weight begin to come off...I found a great rhuematologist and he asked me if he could play with my meds as I had gained another 18 lbs in 9mths. I told him please. He changed my anti-depressant, Blood pressure meds and…
  • I too have pain so I've been on prednisone for 24 years straight. I am currently getting off of it 1mg at a time. It's the first time I have seen my weight even budge. I comfort eat too and decided to get off sugary foods. I have done it before and once I get through the first week or so I don't crave it. I wish I was one…
  • I am new here so I'm really not sure how this works or how to navigate. But happening upon your blog I was able to get a few suggestions that I haven't tried yet. I have been using MFP since April needing to lose 35lbs. I haven't done much since my husband passed, but sit in a chair. So now 2yrs later and 35lbs over I am…
  • I am, I have been using this program since April, 19th 2012. I am 55 years old and weigh 175. So far I have lost 6lbs. I have been diligent and haven't gone above 1250 but 6 times. I joined a health club and did not work out any in May but have picked it up again. According to my BMR I should burn 1542 calories a day.So I…