

  • Hi, I am also new. I joined a few days ago and then had a major relapse and just didn't enter any of the food I ate. Trying to make sure I log it all honestly now. Hope you're finding it ok so far? Feel free to add me, I'm also looking for friends on here :)
  • Hi, I have a gluten and wheat intolerance. When I cheat and have any I am very bloated and it can last up to 3 days. I also either get diarrhea or go the other way which is equally painful. All the symptoms you state can be indicators of a gluten intolerance and a gluten free diet is considered by many to be one of the…
  • Hi, I'm brand new too! Just joined this morning. Have no idea who Lakers are! I'm from England and am guessing they are an American team!? :)