bmg7754 Member


  • Update: Im fortunate to work with dieticians and I spoke to the lead today and she actually said I need 3300 kcals! She broke it down as 495C 165P 74F. I'm a Registered Nurse working in nephrology so, she feels that high protein is detrimental to kidneys, which it is but, she was ok with me upping my fat and decreasing my…
  • [/quote]Then a TDEE of 3045 for your size and activity doesn't sound at all high to me. It does get easier with time, look for the weight trend and ignore the fluctuations. It can take a while (months) - my maintenance level ended up higher than I expected. (Yay!!) Many people set an acceptable weight range for maintenance…
  • I used a TDEE calculator and then imported my numbers to this app. I don't add exercise in to this, just try to hit my macros and remain active. Thanks for the tip. I think after losing weight I'm nervous to gain it back.
  • I wasn't counting macros then and was eating a lower carb diet. I realized it was awful and made a switch to macros. The last month I switched to macros and I was around 2000-2200 calories or so a day but, I wasn't doing cardio and only weight training the 4 days.