mnestle Member


  • I portion out 100 calorie packs and keep them at my desk, in my car, and at home. Anything from crackers to dark chocolate acia-bluberries.
    in Snacks Comment by mnestle July 2013
  • I agree that you might have an issue with the water proof thing. Mine is a watch and chest strap that I wear and is durable for sweat and a quick jump in the water to cool off but i dont know how it would do for prolonged time in the water.
  • You should eat something for breakfast, even if it’s something small. If you skip breakfast you body with think it is starving and store more fat and eat muscle. Ask any nutritionist. I tend to have a 1/2 a banana as soon as i wake up. I then workout and after my workout within 30 minutes i drink my smoothie for breakfast:…