

  • Definitely Chips .......if I open a bag of chips not matter the size I will eat the whole damn bag before I come up for air! Chocoate Bars .........i occasionally allow myself but ONLY if someone is there to immediately share it with me and my calories have been on target. Pop / Soda - used to drink 1 - 2 cans a…
  • Age 42 SW 252 CW 225 GW 175 (just to start with) Height 5'3" For years I was borderline diabetic but controlled it by eating. Then in 2010 my father (last parent alive) passed away. I ballooned up to 273 lb. I realized I had to do something. I started trying to eat better and got down to about 252 lb. I couldn't seem to…
  • That's awesome! I am only 18 lb into my journey of 93 lb to loose. I have stalled out the last couple weeks but trying to stay the course. Any advice? Did you ever have times of stalling?
  • Just started mfp around April 20th and i have lost 15 lb already! I dont feel hungry cause I eat all the time....just eating better/smarter! Add me if u like