
  • Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that. Hope your knee mends itself soon so you can go back to exercising. I hurt my knew a while back and had to do physical therapy for 2 months with no additional exercise. I was so bummed ! Maybe take your measurements and photos know so you can see how far you've come in 10.5 weeks?
  • Yeah! Great to see you back. Good luck with your journey, as always!
  • I did something similar when I did this workout earlier this week. I previewed the DVD so I would know what to expect and I also scoffed at her telling us to use 3 lb weights! I was So. Wrong. I even apologized for doubting her outloud when my shoulders felt like they were on fire!
  • It helped me to preview the DVD's. At the same time, it also made me over-confident for some of the moves. Some look easier than they are. This was my week 7 and I am still sore from the first workout! For all the previous weeks the soreness only lasted a day.
  • Hello! Miss seeing your updates on how you are doing. Hope you'll come back and keep us posted!
  • Almost forgot to mention the recipes I think are really good! Breakfast: Pumpkin cranberry muffins(I used Craisins), Blueberry banana muffins, multi-grain pancakes with raspberries(I used Bob's Red Mill Multi-grain Buttermilk mix for the whole wheat flour, omitted the baking soda/powder and used spelt flour for the…
  • My 2 cents... I think her meal plan, in general, is geared toward people who do not eat clean and perhaps, have no concept of what clean-eating is. If you are used to a society (ours) that tells you that you should be eating and drinking processed "diet" foods, then having the meal plan laid out for you will be a…
  • Congratulations! You look great. keep up the good work!
  • WOW! You are a serious bad-*kitten*. You have undoubtedly added so many years to your life. Congratulations!
  • Welcome aboard! You've done a great job already just by getting started!
  • I agree that it is really up to you. You paid a lot of money for the program and can do what you want with it. For me, I only did 1 week of the weeks 1 and 2 workouts since I thought it was a little too easy for me. I went on to 3 and 4 in my second week and was pleased that it met my fitness level. I'm currently in my 3rd…
  • Congratulations on your success! You have put in some hard work and the results speak for themselves!
  • I had the Pumpkin Cranberry muffin for breakfast on Monday, and it was delicious! I did use Crasins instead of fresh or frozen cranberries, however. I used a little less maple syrup to compensate for the extra sugar in the Crasins.
  • I can see a huge difference, especially in your profile pictures! Your clothes fit a lot different as well, especially your shorts. You've done some impressive work already!