kingneptune45 Member


  • My gym is open 24 hours a day. I prefer the nighttime workouts... especially after dinner. This way I know the only thing I need to be consuming after my workout is a protein shake.
  • You can add me to your friends list... we are all on this lifestyle change together.
  • I agree with tigersword, that eating less than what your body burns daily is the key to weight loss but I caution you that by just losing weight without some sort of exercise plan may make the journey a little more difficult in the long run.
  • Hello HelloHoney79, Your question is very valid and is something I too was very curious about when I started sometime ago. Let me tell you this first I am no fitness expert but read tons and tons of articles and talk to a lot of people. So here is the skinny in order for you to loose the fat and maintain the muscle you…
  • I agree with Amy and others, I would put the scale away for at least a month. I would look for satisfaction in your appearance and how your clothes fit on you. Body Mass and Scales will make drive you crazy. keep up the good work!!
  • No worries... remember this is a lifestyle change you are going to have bad days. But there is always tomorrow.
  • What your experiencing is normal. Your body is going to crave the junk that it is used to getting. Your overall diet looks fine, you are going to have to grind through it. I can tell you when I get the munchies, I often eat unshelled unsaltied peanuts. By the time I go through cracking a handful I am usually okay. Also, I…