Samblantha Member


  • Hey guys... please add me. I really need the support. I have about 90 to lose, NEED to start asap. Been dragging my feet. I lost 60 pounds 3 years ago, got pregnant and it's been a steady gain ever since. Ughhhhh. I can be really supportive of others once I get my my fire lit again. Just struggling bigtime. Lol
  • I “heard” this from online forums. Not really people saying it doesn’t work anymore, but people who posted/blogged/whatever several months or a year ago, and their weight tracker is still in the same place….they clearly haven’t posted in a while. I just know that when I disappear from MFP, my weight isn’t doing so well…
  • Would like an invite too! :)
  • Yeah, I cross posted. The only thing that makes me nervous is that I haven’t run into very many stories of this working for longer than a few months. Skeptical :huh:
  • I’m eating anywhere between 1400-1750ish. Naughty days closer to 1900. According to calculators… BMR is 1910, TDEE is around 2700ish. I’ve been eating my 1400-1700 for the last month solid. Before that I was more hit and miss, probably eating more like 1700-2000+ occasionally. (Not losing) I’m trying to decide if I would…
  • And i'm assuming that 1800 is your tdee-20%? Did you have to do a metabolic reset or anything? I'm so worried about gaining back what I've already lost! :embarassed:
  • WOW! What an amazing transformation!! I am sitting at about 270 right now, and my ending goal is to get to 165. So your story is VERY inspirational for me. :) Maybe I can actually do this. :happy: I would also like to know what kinds of exercise you’ve done along the way.
  • Please add me too! I'm 28, 5'6", mom to four, and way too heavy. I want to get down to my wedding weight...170 and size 12 so I'll be here for a long time and I'd love to make some long term friends. :)
  • I’ve got a lot to lose too! You and anyone else, feel free to add me. :)
  • Hi! I’m Samantha and I live in Northern Utah. Currently I’m wearing a size 24 pants, but they are starting to get a bit baggy. I’m ALMOST ready to swap down and when I do, I will have a LOT of Jeans to send on to someone.
  • I can relate because my motivation comes and goes too. But it looks like you and I are both going to be in this for awhile. For me, even when nothing else really keeps me motivated I just remember that if I choose to quit… it won’t take long for me to gain back all I’ve lost, and probably continue right on gaining. I…
    in HELP! Comment by Samblantha October 2012
  • My scale moves slowly too… mostly because I’m finding it difficult to be consistently “good”. But the one thing that keeps me going when nothing else will is I know if I stop I’m just going to gain back what I’ve lost, and over time gain even more. That’s DEFINITELY not where I want to be. I would rather be losing even if…
  • Oh my gosh. I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND! I have to fight for every freaking ounce I lose! Meanwhile,a couple of other people I know just seem to have the pounds melt off. Its so frustrating! I have been dieting and exercising 5x wk since march and much of that time was at a stand still with the scale. I have to ask.... Are you…