smichelus622 Member


  • I love the quote Change will only occur when the fear of staying the same is greater than the fear of change
  • Love this group wish October would Last 2 months it is by far my favorite time Of year
  • I feel like I over eat when I do Adkins myself that's why I've started Atkins but I'm paying attention to the calorie intake is well by logging everything I eat on my fitness pal and I'm finding it to give me better results. Good luck on your journey I wish you nothing but the best
  • Please feel free to add me
  • Add me if you want .. I lost a lot of my people on this site. But I am still here and Kicking it.. It is a daily struggle but we get through it in numbers.
  • I started off last year and lost 40 lbs.. 20 on WW and then i hit a platue and started here. MFP is a lot easier with 3 kids and not being able to plan every meal. Lost another 20. So I now have another 70 more to go. I messed up a lot of times and weeks last year. I didn't punish myself for it just picked up the pcs and…
  • Always that smaller size. it helps remind you not to have that cupcake, drink more water and keep moving.
  • Try it and see if you need to eat more or less, What does your body tell you. I will say that i find MFP does give you more calories then you actually burn for different things. I also have been told that if you want to loose dont eat your calories you burn. But if you need them to use it on lean protein.
  • Add me i am on almost every day just miss a day here and there and then kick myself in the butt cause of it. I am good for motivation. and love to have another someone for a swift kick in the butt.
  • I gained 4 lbs that first month i went to the gym. It was a nightmare i was so mad and almost ready to give up. But after that month i started to loose again. And although the scales slow and doesnt like to move much i do fit into clothing alot better. So i would say dont give up. I eat bout 1/2 the calories i burn or make…
  • I am about to start the 30DS tomorrow. Its my gift to myself since for once all my kids will be in school at the same time. Not to happy how everyone is saying the scale doesn't move. i want the inches too but i was hoping this would kick start me in moving the scale before it goes out the window. I been at the same 2…
  • Your body may be adjusting to the new stuff you are doing. maybe you hae to change it up a bit.
  • I am in between plus size and the largestest regular size depending on the store. I hate even thinking about having to go to a plus size store. Not only cause it is more money I just dont want to be there! I am too young to be wearing plus outfits. No matter how much they try it still isn't todays Fashion! We all just have…
  • I am drinking between 8 to 10 glasses a day at least 7 of them are water and maybe cyrstal light is 1 or 2. I dont eat back the calories i burn.
  • The Skinny Girl products aren't all that bad but you still have to limit yourself. Or have you thought about getting a glass of wine and adding fruit to it. Let the fruit soak it up and then you get the wine flavor.
  • OH my lazyness gets the best of me too. I look at how much i have to loose and where i am now and I just can't accept it. Mini goals are the way to go. I would love to be under 200 by the end of the year. Right now i just take it 10 pounds at a time. Get out of a number and start working on the next set. Add me if you…
  • I did Weight Watcher Last year and droped 20lbs. I still have about 90 more to go. I stoped weight watchers I was tired of paying for it an was in a plateau for 2 months. I been doing this for about 2 weeks and dropped 5 lbs so far. Add me we can keep each other Motivated. I have a lot more to go then you but YOu can do it…