jeansuza Member


  • You will feel better and better... Keep hope!
  • You were nice when younger but you deserve to be proud of yourself for changing your habits! Stunning story! You are a winner!
  • One day, my ever too small favourite blouse became way too large. That was a sad ending... but nevertheless, a happy one!
  • I will count calories as long as it has not become a natural way to live. I have to teach it to myself and it takes a very long time... it is a new way of life. I cannot count on myself doing it without a conscious effort. I have a lifetime of bad habits and bad choices to counterbalance...
  • My scale is digital. Bought it 2 years ago. Must get on it several times to get it right. Sometimes, it tells me 3 pounds heavier than a few minutes later.... Drives me crazy!
  • I thought alkalinity was the opposite of acidity. Is lemon acid or alkaline? My chemistry course was about 40 years ago! Would it be good to prevent or mend acid reflux?
  • Double ration of ...water!
  • Linda, I've lost a lot of weight and feel so much better. Changing one's lifestyle takes time and dedication but you are on the right track. Here, you'll meet fantastic people that will become your friends... Welcome home!
  • A fabulous success story! Congrats my friend! Continue to inspire people!
  • I deactivated my Fitbit after 2 months. I like when I do an exercise to be able to know if I can eat those calories but with Fitbit, it would allow me, say 200 cal., but at the end of the day, the amount would be down to 150. So if I had eaten the 200 calories I was in the red for 50. Didn't work for me, sorry!…
  • Lost an average of 10 pounds a month for more than a year, then it slowed down a bit but weight is still going down. 176 pounds in 20 months.
  • I have been on Synthroid for about 18 years now following hemi-thyroidectomy. I have been on Mfp since 1 1/2 year and have lost 175 pounds so far. Still 20 to go. Message of hope for everyone!
  • You bet I feel better! Was about 241 on 2012 Christmas day and 155 this year! I've got so much more energy!!! A new woman! I wonder how it is going to be next year...
  • Pickles (not the bread and butter ones) : only 2 calories per slice!!! I now put 3 or 4 in my burger! Potatoes: to only eat half of it is a good sustainable option... Store muffins: 2 or 3 or 4x bigger than my homemade muffins. Now I even make 18 smaller ones with a recipe that was meant for 12. Banana: always buy the…
  • I believe in sharing goals too. I changed mine (they are on my profile I you want to know more) when I realized that most would be achieved one day and then nothing would prevent me from gaining back cause my goals would have been reached anyway... This is what happened to me many times in the past. Now that I identify…
  • Thanks jb! I am going to make some soon... It's been a long time since I made bran muffins and I miss them...
  • Crosscountry skis. It will be a first for me and something I would have never think of doing before...
  • I am 5'3'', 51 years old. Lost 165 pounds so far. I hear you about belly fat AND sugar. Would they be directly related? There might be a key there but I am not yet ready to quit on sugar. Would feel frustrated, would eventually binge and wouldn't be able to keep on losing weight. But at the same time, each time I eat…
  • Why not a time travel? A fascinating story (illustrated novel), Time and Again by Jack Finney! For those who don't like sci-fi, they might relish the illustrations from the 1882 period. In a few words, in November 1970, Simon Morley, an advertising sketch artist, is approached by U.S. Army Major Ruben Prien to participate…
  • I think we all feel like this at times. Eating healthy and/or within calories is difficult to learn. If it were easy, I would have never been obese! Neither would so many people in this modern world. One day at a time, even one meal at a time is the key when the future looks dark... Imagine you are climbing the Himalaya if…
  • Thanks everybody! My pumpkin was very big so I 'll have enough puree to try many of your recipes! Great!
  • My butcher makes first quality meat wieners that are smoked. Expensive ($2. /link) but not unhealthy, and delicious!
  • I started at 330. That was 18 months ago. Now, I weigh 164 pounds. Still about 29 pounds to go... It wasn't easy everyday but I think that what you have to remember is that you must make it fun for you. It doesn't need to hurt!!! It MUST not hurt. So start by walking to the corner and come back. Be happy with that success…
  • At about 33, I lost 120 pounds and didn't have skin problems or very very little. I gained back all the pounds and more and had 2 pregnancies. 17 years have passed... Now I have lost 166 pounds over the last 18 months, weigh about the same as then, but my shape has changed AND my skin, oh boy!, is a disaster except for my…
  • I am 51, 5'3'', and lost 165 pounds in the last 18 months which means about 1 1/2 to 2 pounds a week. I did it by slowly changing my lifestyle one step at a time (still not perfect by far) but always eating back some of the calories spent. It was a great incentive for me to get moving that I could eat more. I usually eat…
  • The Incredible Shrinking Man is a 1957 science fiction film that scared the hell out of me when I saw it as a little girl in the sixties. I had numerous nightmares about it! According to Wikipedia, in 2009 it was named to the National Film Registry by the Library of Congress for being “culturally, historically or…
  • I hate it. Too humiliating and too much bullying. It is a show and as such, the goal is not really to help people but to make money by reaching an ever larger audience and selling commercial time. I am against this exploitation of people that suffer from the same problem I have even if they volunteered. After years of…
  • I stopped drinking diet Pepsi cold turkey on April 28, 2012. I was a heavy soda drinker at the time and for as long as I can remember... Was disgusted with myself and had a very low self-esteem. I decided it was finished for me, here and there, for ever. I am so happy I made this move. If I could do it, you can do it!
  • I am 5'3'' and have been obese all my life. I am 51 years old. Been over 200 most of my life so it is next to impossible to tell how I would look at 130 or even less. I figure I would probably be happy at 135. However, I have lots of loose skin ( will have lost 195 pounds once there) and wonder if this is not going to…
  • Deer steak! It is the season!