

  • Wow you are doing so much! New baby, going to school fulltime plus full time mom! Pat yourself on the back. Just put the babe in a stroller and walk, its great exercise for a new mom. The gym may be adding too much to your busy schedule right now. Take it a day at a time and congratulate yourself each day for having a…
  • I agree with the cutting out pop, it is really high in sodium too which I find for me is a killer for water retention. It does not quench thirst either. Crystal lite in a large glass with ice or even simply cutting up lemons, cucumbers, fresh mint etc and putting it in water and ice for flavour are great ideas. I am a…
  • The key is to change your eating for really healthy ways that are sustainble for the long run. So you dont feel you are deprived and need to return to bad habits. Go for fresh, unprocessed, quick and easy to prepare. i find to that I have to plan my eating for the day so I dont slip off into foods that arent good for me or…
  • Usually 1-1.5 lbs a week is a realistic goal. if you lose it gradually it will stay off better. And you will be able to maintain it. Exercise is a great way to keeep it off and feel great
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