

  • I started out 3 years ago with HBP and 236 lbs. Down to 181 and in very good health. I started walking at first. Don't worry about pace. Just set a time limit like 20 minutes and walk 10 minutes away from your house and then back. At first that may feel difficult for you but you'll be surprised how quickly it will get…
  • Stop fretting, Start sweating!
  • Two things got me over the hump and headed in the right direction for the long term. First, I found a tracking device for how many calories I was burning. I use the BodyBugg and have for almost 3 years now. I can count calories eaten all day, but if I'm not burning more than I'm eating, there will not be long term weight…
  • One-derland! Congratulations. You look great and you should be so proud. I got there about 2 years ago and vowed never ever to cross the 200 mark again. It's been surprisingly easier than I thought, but I realized I really had made some lifestyle changes and some of my old bad habits are gone for good.
  • Love the BodyBugg. I've used it pretty continuously for a couple of years and it helped me drop 60 lbs. Got lazy over the winter and stopped wearing it, regained 10 lbs, so back to the Bugg this week. I have one that talks to my iPhone and after an initial learning curve, I love it. This was the missing component for me, I…