Women over 55 and over weight how did you do it

I can start a weight lost program do well for a while then i fall off the wagon how did you do it I need to lose at least 100 pounds for health reasons and to look good


  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Take one day at a time, keep logging even if you go over(own it) and don't beat yourself up if you go over. Try to do some form of exercise even if it is cleaning a closet at first. Good luck and add me as a friend if you wish.
  • csewell88
    csewell88 Posts: 6
    Two things got me over the hump and headed in the right direction for the long term. First, I found a tracking device for how many calories I was burning. I use the BodyBugg and have for almost 3 years now. I can count calories eaten all day, but if I'm not burning more than I'm eating, there will not be long term weight loss. BodyBugg (there are other units that are similar) gives me a real number to focus on and I need that. Second, I work out with a trainer one hour a week. My trainer gives me a semi private session ( me and one or two others) for $29. i get my own personalized regimen and she sets me up for each circuit, explains what to do and then keeps an eye on me while I do it. The other people, if there are any, do their own thing as well. At first I just wanted to lose weight, but as I've gotten fitter, I value growing stronger over the calorie burn. I've dropped 60 lbs with about 20 more to go. At almost 57, I feel like this is something that will keep me active for as long as possible. I just added Pilates for one hour a week as well, and play doubles tennis, none of which I did until after 50. I only wish I'd started all this sooner.
  • gonnadoit2010
    gonnadoit2010 Posts: 53 Member
    I know exactly what you mean. I'm a professional yo yo dieter:frown: ! I turned 60 this year and after I went to my Doctor visit, I knew I had to get serious about loosing weight. I log in every meal and every bite I put in my mouth. I also measure or weigh everything before I eat. This time around, I'm also exercising, which is a totally new concept for me! It's really hard work, but like some else said, you have to own what ever you eat. There will be good days and bad, but that's life. You just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other and don't give up. It will happen. Best of luck to you!
  • auntied
    auntied Posts: 113 Member
    I got a Wii and LOVE IT!! Started out slow andn now LOVE it!!
  • llamalland
    llamalland Posts: 246 Member
    You just do it.

    The advice given by others is right on target, but in the end, if you aren't in the right place in your head, it won't happen. I'm almost 59, have struggled with my weight all my adult life, dieted before but never kept at it. This time, it's working. In large part because of the supportive MFP community, and because this point in time it's right for ME.
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    I can start a weight lost program do well for a while then i fall off the wagon how did you do it I need to lose at least 100 pounds for health reasons and to look good
    I think the reason that most people fail is because they deprive themselves too much. With my allotted calories plus my exercise calories I eat about 2000 calories a day and am still losing weight. Do not starve yourself, it isn't necessary. Welcome to MFP. Best of luck to you.
  • Tall_E
    Tall_E Posts: 182 Member
    I'm 59 years old and have struggled with my weight for a long time. Making a commitment to myself and deciding that I'm worth putting myself first and really taking care of myself was the starting point. And finding great friends on MFP has helped me sustain the effort.

    There's no reason why women over 5o can't be fit and beautiful even though there's lots of negative messages and images out there about it. DECIDE that you're going to be one of the healthy, gorgeous, wise women living in this world and get to work. You're not alone!
  • pholbert
    pholbert Posts: 575 Member
    Determination! I have yo-yoed alot in my adult life. I am sick of it. I have found tools here that I can use for the rest of my life. Keeping a food diary really help me realize all the mindless eating I was doing. I have an active job so I started to make that work for me. Watching calories and and taking a few extra trips around the building (walking) has helped. My husband and I take our dog for a walk after dinner, all 3 of us enjoy it. There is no food I deny myself I just fit it in my calories, take an extra walk if I have too. Excercise is important, but do excercises that you can do and keep doing. You will succeed here if you are determined to make it work. Add me as a friend if you want, I will encourage you.
  • charanne52
    charanne52 Posts: 88 Member
    When I joined MFP on April 22/12 I immediately searched for friends in the same age group as myself and got an overwhelming response so there are plenty of us over 55's out there. These people are keeping me motivated with their support and encouragement and so far I have lost 8 pounds. I am not starving myself, but I do watch what I eat and I proportion my favorite snacks out into 100 calorie bags (cheaper than buying them that way). I put an hour a day in on my stationary bike and have started walking. I started off with two 15 minute walks twice a day and have just increased my morning walk to 30 minutes. I eventually hope to walk 10,000 steps (5 miles) each day, rain or shine! My friends here are keeping me honest and I really appreciate their company on my weight loss journey.
  • charanne52
    charanne52 Posts: 88 Member
    I would be mroe than happy to help you with support and motivation. Feel free to add me to your list of friends.:smile:
  • lucky2too
    lucky2too Posts: 69 Member
    I joined MFP last August and I have found it to be the most sucessful weight loss program ever. I think logging what you eat helps. When you see it written down, over time it motivates you to improve your food.I think it helps to log your excercise, too. Also the wonderful support from friends helps keep you on the straight and narrow. If you would like to add me, I would be happy to give you motivation and support to help you on your way to a happy , healthier you!!!
  • kmacgera
    kmacgera Posts: 137 Member
    What helped for me was a bad blood sugar reading, March 2011. I don't want to go blind or lose my toes. I was stubbornly 50lbs overweight, but until the test results, my head did not get wrapped around "get healthy or die" kind of urgency.

    I tried WW but MFP is far better.
  • dottheyes30
    dottheyes30 Posts: 39 Member
    Everyone in this room will give you support. If you really want to lose weight, this is the place to be. Start out slow and keep at it. Make sure you log in the food even if you go over. When you exercise you get more food to eat because you are burning calories. Start out walking even if it 15 minutes a day. Your body is designed to walk so get out there and get started. You will be surprised how much you progress every week as your body gets stronger and thinner. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • skinnyme47
    skinnyme47 Posts: 806 Member
    Welcome to My Fitness Pal. Just make a lot of friends on this site. Keep to the calories they set for you. I keep my food diary open for my MFP buddies. Also watch your sodium. I exercise when I can. It can be done. I am 59 and have lost over 50 pounds so far.:smile:
  • terry_mtb
    terry_mtb Posts: 45
    You have already taken the first step..the main step.I found that tracking on mfp has helped me be more in tuned with what I eat. If I find that I might go over I exercise..just move, log your food and stay within your caloric range and you will rock it!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    i'm not over 55 but once of my aunties lost around 110 pounds a few years ago and has still kept it off.

    what she did was start eating right (more vegetables, no fried foods, no crazy amounts of desserts and pastries) and she walked A LOT. it took her about a year