

  • My husband has a trainer and he says you have to do both. Workout and eat less or it doesn't work. The key is you have to eat at least 1200 calories a day or your body will begin to store food. I was working out and eating about 1100 calories a day thinking it would help lose faster. I didn't lose ANY until I adjusted and…
  • I was the same way and a trainer told me it was because I was not eating the recommended amount of calories, so my body was holding on to the weight. He suggested I eat at LEAST the recommended amount and the calories would begin to come off as long as I worked out. I did it and he was right. I thought I was doing good by…
  • These were extremely helpful! Thanks for posting and helping.
  • Give them away. Someone will love you for it and you will feel better once they are gone:wink: