i dont feel like i am losing weight...

mcohan Posts: 116 Member
recently i have been having trouble losing weight....i have been feeling bloated and fat even if i am not even reaching my daily calorie goal. what can i do to get rid of this feeling?


  • lynnie25
    lynnie25 Posts: 93
    i have been there and what everyone told me to do..is just keep on what your doing and keep on working out and it will go away..it did for me..
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    recently i have been having trouble losing weight....i have been feeling bloated and fat even if i am not even reaching my daily calorie goal. what can i do to get rid of this feeling?

    If you have really changed the things that you are eating, it can take time for your body to adjust. When I first started really tracking and changing my foods, I wasn't feeling to great either. Especially because I was getting tons more fiber. At one point, I literally thought and looked like I was pregnant. I was so bloated. But, after a while the bloat went away (does come back at times) but I feel much better than I before. Are you watching your sodium intake?
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    i know how you're feeling! i've been at it for almost 2 months now and clearly not seeing the type of results my it-must-happen-this -instant mindset is telling me:grumble: BUT we'll just keep at it!! everyone's body is different and this site is a great motivator so keep in touch!! YOU CAN DO IT- YOU ARE DOING IT!! just hang in there! stick to your eating right, drinking plenty of water and working out no less than 3 times a week (I've heard that HIIT is alot better than regular cardio also) :smile:

    BTW, dont eat under your recommended daily calorie intake! your body will think you're starving and start to hold on to fat to keep it going! AND make sure to eat your exercise calories too!! I know its hard to think that eating more will work better but all the experts say so... Dont give up! bloated, fat feelings are nothing compared to how you will feel when you reach your goal! Keep swimming! :flowerforyou:
  • jeanns
    jeanns Posts: 58
    I was feeling very bloated and turns out I had lactose intolerance! A lot of people develop those later on in life, and gluten intolerances, too. Try elimination diets and see if it makes a difference?
  • Tinker73
    Tinker73 Posts: 45
    I know what you mean.I wasn't eating my exercise calories and gained weight.I stopped my "DIET" and my extreme exercising for 1 week and lost 4 lbs.So keep up the good work and don't give up.
  • Skagirl
    Skagirl Posts: 81 Member
    even if i am not even reaching my daily calorie goal.

    How recent is recent and how far below your calorie goals are you? Be sure to eat ALL of the calories you are allotted. If not your body will try to hold on to the "food" in the fat stores. Seems counter intuitive but you need to trust your body. Be sure you are eating proteins, fruits, veggies and steering clear of the processed foods. Oh and water, water, water.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Olivia120
    Olivia120 Posts: 5
    I was the same way and a trainer told me it was because I was not eating the recommended amount of calories, so my body was holding on to the weight. He suggested I eat at LEAST the recommended amount and the calories would begin to come off as long as I worked out. I did it and he was right. I thought I was doing good by eating less than the recommended amount but he explained that if I don't eat the recommended calories my body will think it is starving and hold on to the weight. Hope this helps.
  • privatenike
    privatenike Posts: 15 Member
    Yeah, make sure you are not eating too little calories...like someone said above your body will go into starvation mode and start hoarding fat. Also, are making sure to drink enough water? Some times that's all you need to flush away that "bloated" feeling :) Just keep working hard and be patient. You're doing great and that's what will work in the end!
  • mcohan
    mcohan Posts: 116 Member
    thanks guys that all really helps....i will try it and see waht happen! have a great 4th!