

  • I crave a lot of chocolate and if I don't have something pre-portioned at my house, I usually want to go out and get something I know I shouldn't be eating! haha BUT today, I found the best chocolate peanut butter treat. For just 100 calories, Reese's makes peanut butter wafer treats. You get two in a 100 calorie pack and…
  • I think it would be okay to continue eating what you are eating as long as you are not short changing your caloric needs. Not getting enough calories when you are sick could cause the illness to last longer because your immune system is worn down and you are not supplying yourself with enough energy (aka food/calories) to…
  • You can do it!! I totally agree with you; what is done is done. Hence, there is no sense in dwelling on the past because if you are like me, all that frustration just turns into one bad meal turning into a bad day--or a bad weekend. It's best that we just note that we messed up and get back on the healthy eating/workout…
  • Hey! So, just to make sure I understand this right, your book is telling you to add protein powder to meals? I'm not sure that for trying to lose weight and calorie counting this is the best idea, BUT if you do want to try this method, there are some good ones out there. First, I would check on the ingredients and calorie…