need help...

seana22 Posts: 14
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
ok i have a question... i bought this clean eating cook book and some recipes call for protein powder...i thought that was the stuff bodybuilders and so forth use...i just wanna lose that ok to add to the meals or should i not do those recipes and find diff ones? thank you


  • tater8589
    tater8589 Posts: 616
    Protien is ok. Especially if your working out. Your body requires protien, and if you workout you need it to repair your muscles. Go to a nutrition store to get it, you can ask some one who works there (they should know about the products) and they can help you pick the right one that won't bulk you up. I personally like BSN brand because its smoother and doesn't have the protien after taste. Good luck
  • Hey!
    So, just to make sure I understand this right, your book is telling you to add protein powder to meals? I'm not sure that for trying to lose weight and calorie counting this is the best idea, BUT if you do want to try this method, there are some good ones out there. First, I would check on the ingredients and calorie content in them. There are some powders that are VERY high in calories and should be used more as a meal replacement as opposed to a meal additive. One that I used--and was decent tasting-- was the protein powder backed by the biggest loser and Jillian Michaels. Of the ones that I have looked at, it definitely has the lowest calories. However, if you don't mind me making another recommendation, I would think that you would do better just adding lean proteins and more fruits and vegetables to your meal. A lean chicken breast can be as little as 110 calories when grilled (Publix sells come excellent pre-portioned ones), and ground turkey meat (like those produced by Jenny-O) are very low calorie and work as a great substitute for ground beef. Not only do these have a lot of protein, but they will definitely be more filling than a scoop of protein powder. Also, by adding more fruits and veggies to your meal, you get more of that "full" feeling (without spending very many calories) PLUS the added benefit of decreasing your odds of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. In my opinion, to eat "clean" it would be better to go with something that is natural, not processed like protein powder. Anyway, I hope it all goes well, and hopefully my little spill made some sense. :)
  • Annista
    Annista Posts: 59 Member
    I love Clean Eating mags and books!!! Tosca Reno's story is amazing and she has been very sucessfull. I use protien in some meals like my oatmeal and homemade smoothies, desserts,etc. I personally like BSN and Muscle Milk Light.
  • seana22
    seana22 Posts: 14
    well thats what i have been doing counting my calories, eating veggies and fruits, lean chicken and fish and i bought the cook book for new ideas. its Some of the desserts and bfast foods like pancakes that have the protein powder added to them. but i was just making sure b4 i buy all sorts of it and it turns out to be counter productive.ill just not make those recipes to be on the safe side
  • Lisi21
    Lisi21 Posts: 1
    I add protein powder to my oatmeal, pancakes and protein shakes!! I say go for it!
  • flattsfan22
    flattsfan22 Posts: 86 Member
    protein powder also makes you feel fuller longer :)
  • etarre
    etarre Posts: 147 Member
    Some protein powders taste better than others, and people's favorites can vary a lot based on individual taste. Before you buy a large container, it might be worth checking stores for sample sizes to see which brands you like best...GNC, for example, usually has small single-serving pouches that are inexpensive.
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