

  • Yes but we are talking about gallons of it. Our bodies are pretty effcient of disposing of extra fluids (urinating). Honestly that sounds more like an urban myth. More than likely it is the type of shoes you are wearing and what type of support they provide. Most people are under the impression that more support is always…
  • Undercover, I applaud the fact you came to the realization that you control your life. Let me suggest a perspective change however for some of your activities. Right now you come through the door exhausted and stressed out from work. You then sit down and binge eat. I understand this as well as this was me a year ago. Your…
  • I do this alot when I'm powerlifting (body builder in progress) but generally speaking most of its effects are simply hype such as "resetting your bodies metabolism". Generally I find that it keeps me sane since usually its a cheat meal of the week. I choose one meal for one day out of 7 and eat whatever I want at that…
  • Trio nut bar, string cheese, fruit, protein shake, hard boiled eggs (I do about 36 at once so I can snack over days), cliff bar sweet tooth: all natural ice cream just in small doses, one or two squares of dark chocolate, greek low fat yogurt with fruit
  • Everyone hit it that it is probably simply water weight. Another consideration are hormones related to "that time". We men have it easy and can usually have a pretty consistent loss over time but you guys regularly get hit with cycles due to changes in your hormone levels which affect metabolism (usually slightly) and…