

  • I'm starting p90x on Monday, I've never used it before. I am just finishing up 30day shred and have lost 8 lbs, I am looking forward to gaining some muscle and getting leaner. Keep us posted on how you are doing and how you like it! -I'm interested since you will be a bit ahead of me on this. :)
    in p90x Comment by henjenca June 2012
  • good luck! I am just finishing up with it and moving on to p90x - but I wanted to encourage you and say that I've done Shred before, but only stuck with it maybe 2 weeks at a time before quitting, and now, having done it almost a month, I can really see a difference with my fitness level. I have been bouncing back and…
  • I take prenatal vitamins from Trader Joe (only because I am pretty anemic and prenatals have iron) and then iron pill too, and cod liver oil every-other day. (the added fat keeps me from every day) I don't do well with dairy, so I should probably look into getting more calcium. waving- Hi, I'm new to this group :)