

  • I want a twin! Female Age: 61 5'4" SW 232.4 CW 165 GW 139
  • My "veggie" burger is a BIG portabello mushroom grilled with grilled onions on Sandwich Round with lettuce and tomato - yum!
  • There will be all sorts of explanations offered, but the best insight I can offer is make losing weight a by product of healthy lifestyle. In other words do not make the scales the measure of your success. If you are eating healthy and in moderate portions and exercising consistently that IS success - so many people know…
  • Hi Stacey, Welcome to MFP!! I just joined three weeks ago and am very happy with this tool. I lost about 60 pounds on Weight Watchers, then nothing for a month; then I joined "Curves" and MFP for tracking. I've lost 7 more pounds. I keep my laptop on the counter and record EVERY thing I eat - best plan is to log what you…
  • I'm no expert, but here are my thoughts: 1) Stop looking to the scales for motivation - losing weight is important, but more important is healthy living for health's sake. I would not even weigh more than once a week - maybe less. 2) See your doctor for a complete physical with bloodwork - hopefully not, but you could have…
  • dance, aerobic
  • I would be concerned about "healthy lifestyle" and not just weight-loss. When I shifted my focus from losing weight to being healthy consistently, my perspective changed. The consequences of unhealthy eating will be far more serious than just weight gain; i.e., high cholesteral, high blood pressure, heart disease,…
  • Glad this works for most - not for me. If I eat things high in sugar or fat - even a bite - it reminds me how much I LOVED that and it actually makes me crave more. After a year of healthy lifestyle, I rarely miss "bad-for-me foods" and totally delight in healthy food - and I've learned to eat new healthy foods that I…