newtonuk Member


  • What a wide variance! I do track my bike in Strava, as I use it to check what mileage I'm getting from tyres etc. on each bike, but thanks for the tip.
  • Ah, none of them on my daily commute, but Garmin and Strava both get HRM data on my longer weekend rides and both of them come up with different calorie expenditure. For example, a recent ride with a HRM showed: Garmin 1,890 Strava 2,528 So the weighting was the other way around in this example, Strava shows more calories…
  • The 8 glasses (2 litres) of water is all a myth anyway, don't forget that a lot of your water intake comes from your food...
  • Yes, apparently I have got Sarcoidosis as well, although I am not entirely sure how it's supposed to affect me. I had a period where I had swollen ankles and following blood tests, CAT scans, biopsy etc., I was diagnosed with Sarcoidosis. I've always been a bit weak when it came to getting air in my lungs, but I put that…
  • Hi Lisa, I'm doing the 5:2 and am very pleased with the results. I'm sticking to a calorie limit for the 5 days as well though.
  • Thanks for sharing... I'll continue as I am thank you, and as it happens, most of what you have said it what I have discovered myself as well... Plateau's happen, but that is just your body adjusting to its new climate, you need to step change to kick the weight loss off again.
  • Well done! How long has it taken you to lose the weight? I'm on a similar journey :-)
  • I woke up on Sunday morning and thought "Right, time to get some weight off" and have been doing since then... Only a week and a half into it, but so far I am still in the right frame of mind to do it. For me, it didn't matter what anybody else said, it was only at that point when my mindset was right that I have had the…