Starvatio mode, excerices cals ect...



  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    First off I'd like to apologize to OP for her questions.

    I was a ****!

    I allowed Ivys post to piss me off and had to reap some souls over it.

    If the 1200cal approach works for you then knock yourself out.

    The #1 nutritionist?
    Is that a state given or self proclaimed?

    **** I'm the #1 nutritionist here on MFP then.
    I don't follow any of that crap.
    I've had some if the best advice from people on this site.
    You just have to use the search button and sort through it.

    Here you have OP asking legit questions then you have some twit come on talking about other people's EDs then describe in detail her own unhealthy eating.

    That kinda set me off.

    Again I hope you accept my apology and understand that I just care too ****ing much.
  • First off I'd like to apologize to OP for her questions.

    I was a ****!

    I allowed Ivys post to piss me off and had to reap some souls over it.

    If the 1200cal approach works for you then knock yourself out.

    The #1 nutritionist?
    Is that a state given or self proclaimed?

    **** I'm the #1 nutritionist here on MFP then.
    I don't follow any of that crap.
    I've had some if the best advice from people on this site.
    You just have to use the search button and sort through it.

    Here you have OP asking legit questions then you have some twit come on talking about other people's EDs then describe in detail her own unhealthy eating.

    That kinda set me off.

    Again I hope you accept my apology and understand that I just care too ****ing much.

    I completly understand, and i really do appreciate your concern, I am open to learning more and am not set on what one person tells me even if it is her job. Thank you for your apology and I thank you for taking the time to try to explain why you disagree:)
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
  • kathyms13
    kathyms13 Posts: 497 Member
    i am happy with my cal intake im loosing with it which knocks the starvation mode out the window, so do what is good for you and dont preach to others.
  • Danayle
    Danayle Posts: 74 Member

    Too funny! I don't know what I think about any of this, except that I would say there's some disrespect going on here. You can disagree in more of a respectful way than what I've seen on here.
  • nascarbettie
    nascarbettie Posts: 69 Member
    Thanks for sharing. You answered some questions I had.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    I don't believe starvation mode is a myth. The premise behind it explains my long years of yo-yo dieting. I'm not a professional and don't know the exact science behind it, but I do know from experience when I eat low calories, the minute I start eating anything like a "normal" healthy diet, I gain weight.
  • kathyms13
    kathyms13 Posts: 497 Member
    do kay mart sell guns
  • newtonuk
    newtonuk Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks for sharing... I'll continue as I am thank you, and as it happens, most of what you have said it what I have discovered myself as well...

    Plateau's happen, but that is just your body adjusting to its new climate, you need to step change to kick the weight loss off again.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I appreciate you sharing information with others, because I recognise that you are trying to help, but there is a lot of misinformation that your doctor gave you.

    Let's make this simple; eat at a moderate calorie deficit and exercise. Meal timing is irrelevant. The recommended number of calories you consume should be based on your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE).

    Often, people fail at getting fit because they make it too complicated. Simple is best, and while you may not like the way some posters refuted your doctor's advice, they were trying to help as much as you were.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    i am happy with my cal intake im loosing with it which knocks the starvation mode out the window,

    For now. Everyone loses at first on a VLCD. The problems occur at 2 dfferent points. When you stay on it for an extended time and when you get tired of it and go back to eating at a more normal level. The first causes hormones to be out of whack and for your metabolism to down-regulate. The 2nd is that once your metabolism has down-regulated, you gain weight at what used to be your maintenance. And this down-regulation is difficult if not almost impossible to reverse.

    So, feel free to be smug for now. You likely will not always be so.
  • Danayle
    Danayle Posts: 74 Member
    Sadly this is the first topic i read on here, and like all forums everywhere it's a play ground of idiots. A simple topic on what some one asked a doctor and what their answers where.

    agree or disagree, but no, we have to be rude and say the dumbest thing that comes to mind. take it or leave it really!

    why can't you say i believe this to be true, or this works for me, or working with this person he said this and that. So that the information grows and the readers can add all together can make up their own mind as what will work or not.

    ugh, forums they will never change....but i knew a guy, and worked with a girl, and called a friend that know some one, who eat that, and I'm a I'M RIGHT! dorks

    Love the last paragraph of this! I will say that while I haven't been on here long, this is the nastiest I've seen people get. The other ones I've viewed have been more positive and supportive.
  • jarahs20
    jarahs20 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you! You answered several questions I had.
  • vienna26
    vienna26 Posts: 115 Member
    To all those who support the 1200 calories per day, my question is why? Why eat only 1200 when you could accomplish the same thing by eating 1500 or 1700 or whatever. Why deprive yourself of fuel and the pleasure of food?

    I started MFP as a 1200 calorie eating, breakfast every day, cardio queen. Yes, I lost a lot of weight in the beginning, but it didn't take long for me to come to a screeching halt and plateau. When I started exercising less, strength training more, and increased my calories to 1650 and eating back about 2/3rds of my exercise I started losing again.

    This is not a sprint, people! Weight loss and lifetime maintenance takes time and a lifestyle that you can stick to. I don't know about you, but I LOVE being able to eat and drink and still lose weight.

    couldnt of said it better myself :-)) i eat more and still lose weight its a win win situation
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    i am happy with my cal intake im loosing with it which knocks the starvation mode out the window, so do what is good for you and dont preach to others.

    Kathy don't you have a legitimate reason for VLCD?
    Have you started pole dancing yet?
    I'm ready to buy tix!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Adaptive thermogenesis in action on a 300 calorie intake with 25% weight loss :-


    I hope everyone looks at this graph correctly. See the two little slashes in the timeline across the horizontal axis? That means time laps, notice how the shaded area is no longer shown after it, it means they are no longer in the period of fasting and the metabolic rate begins to go up again. I.E. no eat, burn less calories for a baseline, eat, burn more calories as a baseline (all while in deficit mind you).
  • tobnrn
    tobnrn Posts: 477 Member
    So many people giving such great advise. I am surprised at how many prefer to eat so low.

    The way a question is posed to a nutritionist or dr makes all the difference. They are working off the limited data provided by a patient with some basic assumptions. They dont know everything. Thats why its the PRACTICE of medicine. Take what they say & research it yourself.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Adaptive thermogenesis in action on a 300 calorie intake with 25% weight loss :-


    I hope everyone looks at this graph correctly. See the two little slashes in the timeline across the horizontal axis? That means time laps, notice how the shaded area is no longer shown after it, it means they are no longer in the period of fasting and the metabolic rate begins to go up again. I.E. no eat, burn less calories for a baseline, eat, burn more calories as a baseline (all while in deficit mind you).

    The first rule of adaptive thermogenesis is we DON'T TALK ABOUT ADAPTIVE THERMOGENESIS!
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    :heart: :heart:
    You have Iron, mma, Dan and Sara on here doing their dead level best to not allow yet another misguided, ill-informed post on this topic ooze its way onto the forums unchecked. They're right and for the life of me I can't understand how they can still be arsed enough to care. Consider yourselves lucky. Learn something.

    I would add SHBoss, Usedtobehusky and psulemon to your list also. Gotta fight BS where you find it!

    I THANK ALL OF YOU LISTED ABOVE! I have been here since April 2012 - without Dan first and foremost and reading the other's posts mentioned here, I would have quit. 1200 cals - working out like a demon 6 days a week (and just cardio OMG). I was so burned out and hungry - the reason I have quit every other time!!! I am like artichoke, For the life of me I can't understand where these guys get their patience day in and day out!!! I'm just thankful, every day, for each of them. :heart: :heart:
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    :heart: :heart:
    You have Iron, mma, Dan and Sara on here doing their dead level best to not allow yet another misguided, ill-informed post on this topic ooze its way onto the forums unchecked. They're right and for the life of me I can't understand how they can still be arsed enough to care. Consider yourselves lucky. Learn something.

    I would add SHBoss, Usedtobehusky and psulemon to your list also. Gotta fight BS where you find it!

    I THANK ALL OF YOU LISTED ABOVE! I have been here since April 2012 - without Dan first and foremost and reading the other's posts mentioned here, I would have quit. 1200 cals - working out like a demon 6 days a week (and just cardio OMG). I was so burned out and hungry - the reason I have quit every other time!!! I am like artichoke, For the life of me I can't understand where these guys get their patience day in and day out!!! I'm just thankful, every day, for each of them. :heart: :heart:

    Thanks so much! That was very sweet.
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