

  • perhaps this link works better sorry
  • this link is to me before i started and a recent- in progress photo... the changes are more than just physical.. you are doing good, so do not give up!!
  • I had chinese food 2 days ago then leftovers the next day.... i pushed myself hard and hiked and biked for 4 hours on yesterday to make up for it though..... its all about balance... it was worth it to treat myself to the food because i worked out hard afterwards... i made a trade off with myself .
  • HI, i use wild yam cream- u can pick it up at any natural health food store.. i put it on when i am ovulating until i get my period- hands- feet- neck- face- chest every day. i find my cramps are not as bad, i used to be doubled over in pain, and not even able to get out of bed on some days. also- i force myself out of…
  • I have PCOS. At my highest i was close to 200lbs and only menstruated once in a year. i am currently 161lbs. This is after ONE year of changing very little in my actual life, portion control and walking daily. I have had 6 miscarriages since 2004, including one where i was 5 months with twins. I have also had ectopic…
  • please add me, i am new on here, and would love a support system online to help me celebrate the daily accomplishments... i struggle daily with my weight and self image... i think at my largest i was close to 200lbs, but i refused to step on a scale after 189, so not for sures on where i started at... but i just weighed…
  • AGREED!! "you will never find better than me" -- baby any one who does not try to manipulate and control me is better than you.
  • haha i am trouble figuring out the photos.. please be patient with me....
  • you are not fat.... you are "fit fat" because your bigger, but your active... i have lost 25 lbs in the last year on my own.. (just joined here today)... and people keep saying odd things to me like "where did you go, there is nothing left of you" when i hear that i want to scream and cry out sure i was more visible…