

  • Click on settings on the tabs then choose diary settings. Good Luck.
  • If you think about how many calories your body needs to maintain its current weight and then take into consideration how many calories you are eating to LOSE weight I think it would be ok to take a break on Thanksgiving and Christmas and eat the calories to just maintain for one day. For many of us, if we use this advise,…
  • Thanks for all the great ideas.
  • I did do the diet six months ago. After doing some research on my own I decided against it. The reason is that I didn't want my body to go into starvation mode and I was not convinced that homeopathic remedies were legitimate. I lost more weight by working out and using myfitnesspal than I did using the drops. I don't feel…
  • I have been keeping track of what I eat and fitness and its really been working great for me. Its easy to stay within the limits of the calorie maximums. In fact, some days I get to eat a little extra something to get my calories up to where I should be. Last night I went to McDonalds and slurped a Strawberry Shake just to…
  • Metamusil is a good way to get some fiber. It tastes like gritty orange drink. but it does work.