Aehisme Member


  • I'm from London / Essex border. Starting afresh on my new healthy eating and fitness plan. Supportive friends needed to encourage this 56 year old Grandmother.
  • An inspiring message and so very true. ( I love a nice christmas dec) :happy:
  • Hi I live just outside London England :bigsmile:
  • Hi everyone :bigsmile: I love the idea of being a lady who can lunch unfortunately a full time job prevents me from being one:sad: My name is Annette and i'm from the UK (just outside London)- I love to prepare healty home cooked food but am also partial to the odd take out! I'm happy to meet and be friends with people who…
  • Soon to be 53 from England - OMG am I really ;-0 - Feel free to add me if you want to give and receive support.
  • Claire. You are a true inspiration!!
  • Hi Perhaps get you self some friends and check their diarys to see what they are eating -i've sent you a friend request, please feel free to have a look at mine- I try to eat healthy; today I had chicken pasta home made - I have in the past had the shakes if I haven't eaten enough, I know how uncomfortable they can be.…
  • Hi. Glad your joining the 30DS. Just wanted to let you know i'm 53 in November so your not on your own!! 50's are the new 30's Lol Any one else in that age range??:bigsmile:
  • Hello all you lovely people. My name is Annette. Often known as Net. I’m a young at heart Grandmother to two beautiful girls aged 7 and 3 and 2 grown up children. I work full time for an Emergency service in London, which at times can be a killer as I work long hours. I'd been on a diet and lost weight but I was begining…
  • Hi I'm on day three, I as I started it on the 8th Septmeber. I would love someone to do it along side me. My legs and arms are a little sore but i'm determined to keep going till the end.
  • Day : Early morning walk for 210 minutes, bike ride 75 minutes, then took the granchildren to the park and ran for 15 minutes... All in all a very active day :-) Didn't see the water challange untill it was to late but I'm sure i've drunk enough water to qualify for completing that challange.
  • I love roasted carrots it the only way to eat them ......oh and raw of course. I cut mine in quaters toss in olive-oil ground salt, pepper and roast for around 3o min.... Delicious. also add butternut squash and sweet potato and perhaps some shallots..Yummy/ I will definately try your version as it sounds lovely. Thanks…
  • If your still having trouble finding this page copy this link bellow Then look above to the top of the page there's a white bar which has search in blue at the end of it- click into the white part then click to past.the link-…
  • I've just returned from holiday and gained 2lb in a week.... Oh dear I so need to get my butt in gear. SW 182.4 GW 170
  • Count me in, I feel like I've started to fall of the wagon a little and need something to get me back on track!! .
  • I so know what you mean. I like Brown bread, he likes white, he likes chips fried in cooking oil, I like mine done in the oven in olive oil. He likes rubbish like stuffed hearts Yuck!! I like pasta he hates it. How on earth we’ve stayed married for 36 years is beyond me. Lol
  • Just to let you know that when Chips Ahoy win the RTWC we did it fair and square. Hee Hee!!
  • Hi Laura. You will get lot's of support and encouragement on MFP, it's an amazing place with some very inspirational people. Welcome!!
  • OMG.. Just look at that smile. You look amazing. Brilliant, thanks for posting the pictures!!
  • I’ve had an overactive thyroid for about 5Years now. I went to see my doctor originally because I was having problems with my hands shaking and shortness of breath. When he diagnosed an overactive thyroid I was so relieved as I thought I was on my last legs Lol. My medication is carbimazole and although I started taking…
  • I work for the London Fire Service. Have done for nearly 30yrs,,,, wow where did them years go!!
  • I know how you feel. I've worked a 60 hour week this week and i'm shot. I think today we try to be all thing to all people. Just take a little time for yourself. Have a treat if you want one and don't beat yourself up about it, you'll just crave it even more if you don't have one now and agan. If one isn't enough take your…
  • Hi. I can't really answer your question, the only suggestion I can give is take it little steps at a time. If your saying to yourself I have to loose 5 -6-7 stone then stop. Find a smaller achievable short term goal and work to that. Get a smaller size pair of trousers or similar and work to getting in to them. Baby steps…
  • I'm from England. Not far from the soon to be held olympic site. Please friend request me if you are looking to give and recieve support and encouragement.
  • Hi there. I'm 52 and loving every minute of MFP. Infact I may have to start a MFP anonimous at this rate Lol. Please feel free to add me as a friend. (you can never have too many friends)
  • Hi. I'm also over 50 and would love to have a PT. I'll add this to my christmas list and see if Santa (otherwise known as husband) will grant me this wish.. Lol. Please feel free to add me as a friend as all support is welcome :-)
  • You look beautiful. Congratulation and well done.
  • Hi I'm from Essex, and would love a little support from fellow Brits!