

  • Iv got 2 agree with this post , I do not understand how you can spend a full hour at the gym and only burn 200 calories . Betty x
  • I have let all my exercise slip drastically and am absolutely dreading getting started again auch lol . great feeling when you're fitness levels are back up there again . I cycled 63 miles in 1 day last summer and I would struggle to do a couple of miles now . hopefully wont take 2 long 2 build it up again once I get…
  • thankyou , Iv got to agree with you as I really dont fancy doing anymore than 1 hour at a time lol . Just thought the cardio training next day may affect the muscles when they are recovering from weight training in body pump ? Betty x
  • thank you ladies :) Betty x
  • great advice here , thanks every1 :) xx
  • never really thought about carbs and alcohol but had a wee look after reading your post . seems most beers have carbs . ATM I am drinking an efes turkish beer so checked it out and it has no carbs ? any idea why this is as most other beers do have carbs x
  • hi chantelle thank you for reply . 23 is the absolute minimum I was thinking of aiming for although I wont know until I get near this if it may be 2 low or not . at the moment my BMI is 27.5 and the lowest it has been is 23.5 . I was not happy at 23.5 but that was a lot of years ago when I was a lot younger and untoned ! I…
  • hi there , I have just joined this site and your post is the first one I have read . I hate to say this but I am absolutely appalled at some of the responses to your cry for help . I have been battling with my weight for as long as I can remember and I recon anyone with a weight problem knows how difficult this can be .…