

  • I am almost the same measurments/weight as you only I am 5' 1" and I am 200 Lbs. I have always been about 120 lbs. pre & post babies! This time the weight loss is so hard! I really need to get on here and log EVERYTHING, EVERYDAY! No more playing around! I must admit...I've been a slacker!
    in Hello Comment by 10Mc15 February 2011
  • I'm in too! My name is Michele & I live in NJ. I have lost 35 lbs. since Nov. after having the lap band surgery. I have now been stuck at 205 lbs. for the last few MONTHS! Uggghhh, so frustrating. I need a gigantic serving of motivation to exercise instead of ice cream! I also need some good recipes low fat/ high protien.…