AllietheLOSER Member


  • I was just about to post a topic asking if anyone else out there is being checked for or has hypothyroidism and this was the first post to appear! YAY! I went to the doctor Wednesday to discuss depression and possibly being put on medicine. He sat down and said "alright, tell me all about it". After I rambled on for…
  • I agree with the turkey bacon....3 slices of butterball "bacon" are 75 calories. Delish!
  • I really thought I was alone in this world because I hate water so much--good to know I'm not. :smile: Up until a few months ago, I would drink anything but water--coffee, sweet tea, sodas, and juice. If I was forced to drink it, I gagged the whole time. I can't describe it, but water has a smell that just makes me sick.…
  • :ohwell: I meant "slowly losing"....type-o there
  • CW: 192 SW: 197 GW: 187 SLOWING losing, but even if I don't hit the 10 pound mark, I'll still be okay with it- :-D -If I lost weight with holiday food all around me--I consider that a success LOL
  • SW: 197 CW 195 GW: 187: happy:
  • is it too late for me to join? I really need the motivation. I was steadily losing 2 pounds a week and then I just stopped losing. I have been hovering at 197-200 for the past month and I'm really not sure why--I'm getting frustrated. To top it off, all but 2 of my MFP friends have quit, so I feel like I'm doing this on my…
  • I second this! :laugh:
  • Hi Tashie :-) If I can do this, YOU can do this!! Believe me when I say, I have been the biggest diet failure and for the first time ever, I'm actually losing weight and loving it. I did go on your profile and looked at your food diary--if you will allow, I would like to offer some advice. 1. You are not drinking enough…
  • Cool!! Thanks!! :bigsmile:
  • I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE MFP! Can't say enough about it either. I've lost almost 20 pounds in the month I've been here and I actually had fun in the process. Who would have thought?! Wish you all the best and hope that you love it too. :-)
  • Welcome!!! I second everything TruSunshine said. I LOVE MFP!! It's been a lifesaver. You are going to love it here. Add me as a friend if you would like, I eat real food too. About the only "diet" thing I eat/use is Splenda and I have cut WAY back on breads. Hope you love MFP as much as we do! :-) All the best to ya! :-)…
  • hmm....great ideas! I've been considering calcium supplements, so now suppose I'll buy some the next time I go to the store. I think I'll change my settings back to what they were, that way I won't stress--I had no worries until I changed them Will take all the advice regarding fiber! Thanks to all of you! :happy:
  • Twizzlers are my faves! I feel like crying. I thought that would be the only "safe" candy for me this year..... :'-(
  • I have always been a chocoholic....if fact I have always joked that I teethed on tootsie rolls. Little Debbie has been my best friend for years. Starting my diet (I actaully it my life style change--that "D" word is a 4 letter word! lol) I knew that I was going to have issues with sweets. I just tried to find "healthy"…
  • I started "dieting" Thursday. By Saturday I joked that my stomach was trying to eat itself because it was growling so bad. (I hugged my husband and he could feel it "growling" LOL) I'm new and am still learning but I can honestly say that by Sunday I didn't have that "I'm going to pass out from starvation" feeling. Now I…