Thanks! You look great to be a mom of three. I have 3 children also, and look and feel miserable. Im 100 pounds from my original weight. I can feel it all over my body for sure. What strategies did you use help you lose weight?
A new job can definately effect your routine. I think it's a mind thing. You just have to sit down and re-adjust some things. Currently, I'm not working but when I go back to work hopefully that doesnt get in my way. Better yet IT'S NOT gonna get in the way of my goals. I'm tired of making excuses for myself. As far as the…
Thanks! I do believe I need to make small changes. One donut a month is a big change. I must at least have a snack daily. I will definately start small I believe that will be most effective this time around. Thanks Again! Good Luck as you continue to lose weight.
Thanks everyone for your motivational tips!!! I will give them all a try.:smile:
Thanks for the advice. I will give this a try!