

  • The only reason you would want to eat more is IF and only IF you have been in a deficit for a "long" time. Sometimes the body plateaus and tries to accommodate for all that low intake of food. This is the only time you need to eat more. More often than not plateaus are caused by over eating and not a problem with eating a…
  • the harris benedict equation is an old outdated formula. It does work but its prone to overcalculating. I would recommend using the mifflin st. jeor method instead. though the mifflin st jeor method is still prone to overcalculating, its certaintly better then the old harris benedict one. Ultimately, its up to the you to…
  • On my calculations your amount of calories that you need to eat per day is: 1548.56 through 1638. The 1638 is if you believe you do workout pretty darn good. 1548.56 if you believe that you would like a better restriction on your calories. TDEE multiplier for 1548.56 at 1.3 and 1638 at 1.375. Notice 1.3 and 1.375 is not…
  • I found that MFP is definitely too low for me. It calculates my TDEE at 1400 unless I raise it all the way up to max activity factor and even that is about almost 100 cals from my own calculations at . If you want me to help you can give me your age/weight/height/activity factor ( how much do you think you exercise) and I…
  • Yes you burn calories while doing crunches. On how much--that is the unknown. But miapic, you burn calories all the time--even now as you are typing on your computer.
  • Kimdoak, its pretty simple actually. You body operates on a BMR--this is the calories that are required for your body to maintain itself. You on the other hand exercise. BMR only calculates your caloric needs if you are a potato that sits in one spot and does nothing all day. What you need is a TDEE. This is the…
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