

  • I've been sick for the past week also....sinusitis i think and even with the bad headaches and stuff I just hated being in the house. A short walk might help. At least you will fell like you've got something accomplished. GET WELL SOON!!!
  • me too after my only child im trying to bounce back...we can do it together!!!!
  • I'm new myself and like you diabetes affects many members of my family as well as high blood pressure. I am 21 and the mother of a one year old. After my pregnancy I was at my smallest size (since high school) and a year later I'm the biggest I've EVER been so I'm trying to get back to my high school weight (I was much…
  • Are the Zumba DVD's expensive im thinking about ordering them so my sisters and I can do it a couple times a week I've heard nothing but great things about Zumba! They even do Zumba in our Womens Correcitonal Facilities
    in Zumba Comment by Vanitra September 2010