

  • whenever i go to a body pump class i make sure i do a cardio session first, even if it's only 10 or 15 mins. i feel that my muscles are more stretched that way and i get more done in class, plus it burns a few more cals! otherwise i would do something like 15 mins cardio, 30 mins situps/weights etc, 15 mins cardio for a…
  • hi! i'm from the UK. have been using MFP for about three months now along with exercising 2-4 a week at the gym intensively since Jan. i've lost about 10lbs so far (weighing in at 10st 4 right now) and I really want to go down to about 9st 10lb ideally, but have a goal of 10st (so another 4 lb) in the next month. i'm…
  • i'm no health expert, but if you are eating really healthily, which it sounds like you are, then just keep at it. i know MFP calculates you should be eatig 1200 cals or whatever but i do think this is very low - you should still keep losin at 1500 a day, just a little slower. PLUS your body is repairing itself after an…
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